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by ClaireG Sun Jan 15, 2017 7:43 pm
Great Saturday Club ride for those ‘K’ riders at the square on a cold, but what could not have been a clearer, sunny morning.

I was joined by Craig, Alison and Chris and the general consensus was to keep to the lower level rather than climb. This meant we kept a good riding tempo all day on clear, dry roads. Carefully chosen route choice of Tollerton, Helperby, Sessay, Dalton to Thirsk.

Infact, worst gremlin of the day was myself, with a few tricky punctures and a gruelling tyre – not helped by the increasingly agitated operative and cold fingers! Big Thanks to Craig for additional muscle applied & bringing calmness to the situation! :wink:

A deserved, warm café stop at Thirsk and once my frustrating tube change completed in the glacial microclimate of the cafe's shadow, a swift and sun-soaked return route via Raskelf, Easingwold, Huby and Strensall.

All back into York together, with the temperature dropping rapidly, making an even more satisfying 70miles.
Thanks for the company.
by Dr Dave Sun Jan 15, 2017 7:48 pm
Work meant I was restricted to the afternoon so did a couple of hours solo.
Lovely bright afternoon albeit slightly chilly - still it was good to get some fresh air :D

Keep pedalling!
by Rob Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:29 pm
Well done to all the Cliftonites that found a way to get out on their bikes at the weekend in some proper winter conditions. All good miles in the bank, earning high interest to be drawn in the spring...

Just me, Steen, Muzzy and James out for the Sunday ride. Cold wet start, but decaped by Howsham. Kept off the smallest lanes, but surfaces still filthy. 30min café stop at Bell Mills in Driffield them back via Millington. Back drinking coffee in the kitchen at 1430 with 130km covered. All agreed that was probably enough, but it was satisfying to be out nonetheless.

See you next week.
by James Milner Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:35 pm
Just myself, John B, Graham and Kev M heading off on the A ride in the general direction of Masham with the plan being to keep off the higher ground.

It seems the plan worked as no ice was encountered and we enjoyed a beautiful, bright winter's day cycling.

Graham declared that he wasn't 100% and left us just after Tollerton whilst the rest of us headed through Boroughbridge to Ripon where Kev decided his legs had had enough and headed for home, leaving myself and John B as the sole survivors to to make it to the sanctuary of Johnny Bachdad's in Masham.

Back via Wath and Cundall with an assisting tail wind which ensured we made short work of the miles home. Heading through Raskelf towards Easingwold we saw a familiar looking figure waiting to pull out of a junction. 'Is that Tony G?' we said simultaneously. It was Tony G, who joined us back as far as Wiggington and took some very welcome turns on the front and gave my legs some much needed respite. Thanks Tony!

Back through the door at 3.35pm with 82 winter miles in the bag.

They count double in Spring you know!

Happy cycling!

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