Clifton CC Discussion Board

A place to talk about anything! Want to find someone to ride with? Get help on mending things? Organise lifts?

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by Dr Dave Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:45 pm
With the winter fast approaching I am finding that evening opportunities to ride are fast disappearing unless I want to get the lights and cold weather gear on - and after a day at work my enthusiasm isn't winning over inertia.

However, now that I no longer have a school run/childcare duties to perform, I am free most Wednesday afternoons; James and I have managed to get out for a brisk 50-60 mile ride for the past 2 weeks leaving the Square at 12:30 and I hope to make this a regular event over the winter to keep my miles up and waistline down. We've had a brief cafe stop at 2ish half-way round. Are any other members interested in making this an informal regular club ride?

Keep pedalling!
by Dr Dave Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:04 pm
So will be at the Square at 12.30 tomorrow if anyone fancies approx 60 miles with a brief lunch stop :D

Keep pedalling!
by Dr Joe Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:49 pm
Would love to but I tend to if anything to ride Wednesday morning back from work. hope you enjoyed the ride today.
by Dr Dave Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:34 pm
Nice steady :wink: ride to Knaresborough and back. Mainly dry roads. Wind a bit autumnal. Passed Wheel Easy heading back to Harrogate and Wednesday Wheelers c guest stars Bernard and Dave I on the way back. The whole world seemingly cycles on Wednesday :P

Keep pedalling!
by DavidShort Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:06 pm
Just back from Mallorca and been 'off message' for a bit. I think the Wednesday ride out is an excellent idea. Count me in!

Kind regards David
by James Milner Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:18 pm
Myself and Dr Dave will be in the square at 12.30 tomorrow (Wednesday) as usual. Anyone wishing to join us would be most welcome.

55 - 60 miles with a quick cafe stop halfwayish. :D
by Dr Dave Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:18 pm
Four out today :James, Stu, Mark F and self. Out to Pock via Melbourne with lunch at the Buddhist Peace Cafe then up Millington and across to Thixendale and home via Galley Gap. 55 miles :D
Should be similar next week so anyone free welcome to join us.....

Keep pedalling!
by Dr Dave Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:32 pm
Wednesday lunch ride again this week. 12:30 at the square. Brief lunch stop around 1:30, back for 3:45 approx - 50 miles or so

Keep pedalling!
by Dr Dave Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:19 pm
James, Stu and self today. Brandsby, Ampleforth, Helmsley, Harome, Castle Howard and back. 60 miles and back just before lights necessary. Thanks lads :D

Keep pedalling!
by James Milner Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:00 pm
Just Rich and myself on an early(10am) ride today. Out to Knaresborough via Aldwark Bridge. As promised in the weather forecast not so much rain the further west we went......just snow in its place! Thawed out at the cafe then froze our whatsits off again on the direct route back via Cowthorpe with Rich electing to go route one via Hessay and Poppleton thereafter and myself via Rufforth and city centre. Spent about an hour thawing out in the tub and can now feel the ends of my fingers once more. The doc says he should be able to save my feet before the gangrene sets in! Happy cycling!
by IanH Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:47 am
Saw the pair of you by the Riverside as you were just leaving the cafe in Knaresborough which is where the 3 of us Wheelers were heading for lunch.

Ian H.

Are we there yet
by James Milner Tue Nov 15, 2016 5:41 pm
Looking like there should be a few of us in the square at 12.30 tomorrow. Room for a few more though! 50 or so miles with quick cafe stop halfwayish. Back before dark. :D
by Dr Dave Wed Nov 16, 2016 5:09 pm
Four out in the end - James, Rich, Stu and self. Tail-wind via Strensall, Bulmer Bank, Coneysthorpe, Malton where we lunched in the same cafe as the Wednesday Wheelers so had a catch up chat. Back via Birdsall Brow, Buttercrambe and home. 52 miles and through the front door before lights mandatory. Thanks for the tow round guys - I don't think I was the only one who was feeling fatigued by the time I got home but it's all good training and really pleased to be on the bike again :D

Keep pedalling!
by James Milner Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:08 am
Should be a few of us out tomorrow, with the promise of a guest appearance from a couple of errant Wheelers. Planning to head out to the Peace Cafe at Kilnwick Percy then back over the Wolds via Kirby Underdale, Bubthorpe, Leppington and then Howsham and Bossall.

Meeting at the square at 12.30 if you're planning to join us. Lights compulsary! Back by 4ish.

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