Clifton CC Discussion Board

A place to talk about anything! Want to find someone to ride with? Get help on mending things? Organise lifts?

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by DavidShort Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:21 am
Suzie & I are heading back from the IOMTT on Saturday on the push bikes. weather permitting and with favourable winds we should be home Saturday night. If that's the case then we are happy to help out. Better put us as reserves though as if the weather is unfavourable we may ride back over 2 days, not getting back till the Sunday.

Kind regards David
by Cam B Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:22 pm
Thanks Martin :D

David....If you do get back your help would be appreciated....cheers

We're sorted now.... :D Both races now on !!!

thanks everyone
by Cam B Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:18 pm
Thanks again everyone.
HQ is Sheriff Hutton Village Hall

Confirmed volunteers:

Catering for day – Cath and Paul

LVRC event 10.00

Driver 1 Nick B
Driver 2 Martin S
Driver 3 Steve S
Driver 4 Craig B
Marshal Dave C
Marshal Ian H
Marshal Barbara D
Marshal Simon N
Marshal Martin W
Signing on Me/Phil B (anyone else would be helpful)
Finish Me/Phil B (anyone else would be helpful)

BC event 13:30

Driver 1 John S
Driver 2 Dave C
Driver 3 Martin S
Driver 4 Tim J
Marshal Jon G
Marshal Steve S
Marshal Craig B
Marshal Richard D
Marshal Tom F
Signing on Me/Phil B/Barbara D
Finish Me/Phil B /Barbara D

David...If you and your wife are able to make it you could help with junior gear check, signing on, finish line and and other spare jobs!! :D

Tim.......Please send me a PM with your full name, car make and model, car reg. number and BC license number
by Cam B Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:04 pm
Hopefully David and his wife will be around to help but could do with an extra pair of hands in the morning race specifically to marshall one of the 2 small bridges at either Stillington or Farlington. They are not formally traffic managed but it would be important to have someone stood there looking suitable business like with a red flag to warn oncoming traffic :D
by Cam B Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:26 pm
Hi Everyone

Here’s what it’s looking for Sunday

80 odd riders (over 3 races....They start 3 mins after each other) for the LVRC and 70 for the BC

LVRC event 10.00

Driver 1 Nick B
Driver 2 Martin S
Driver 3 Steve S
Driver 4 Craig B
Marshal Dave C Sheriff Hutton Roundabout
Marshal Barbara D Sheriff Hutton Roundabout
Marshal Ian H Stillington Chippy
Marshal Simon N Stillington / Moxby Lane
Marshal Martin W Moxby Lane / Sheriff Hutton Rd
Signing on Me/Phil B (anyone else would be helpful)
Finish Me/Phil B (anyone else would be helpful)

BC event 13:30

Driver 1 Dave C
Driver 2 John S
Driver 3 Martin S
Driver 4 Tim J
Marshal Jon G Sheriff Hutton Roundabout
Marshal Steve S Sheriff Hutton Roundabout
Marshal Craig B Stillington Chippy
Marshal Richard D Stillington / Moxby Lane
Marshal Tom F Moxby Lane / Sheriff Hutton Rd
Signing on Me/Phil B/Barbara D
Finish Me/Phil B /Barbara D

Any spare bodies will be asked to wave a flag, at least, at Stillington Bridge, possibly Farlington Bridge/help with junior restrictions/signing on and finish-line.

If Marshalls and drivers could get to HQ initially to see me.

Drivers - I will give you £20.00 towards your petrol costs. For both races we will ask you to put signs on top of your cars to warn other drivers of the race. Looking at the list most of you have done this before. LVRC recommend driving with your headlights on. You should aim to have the bunch coming into clear view of oncoming motorists as they pass you. When you pass the finish line it’s 5 laps. For drivers leading the bunch, at the finish please pull well ahead and, if it’s safe to do so, stop your car on the right hand side of the road with your hazard lights on on to stop oncoming traffic. Safety being the watch word. For the BC drivers the Commy will give you race radios and tell you what to do.

Marshalls – Rich Houghton (Traffic Management Co.) has asked that you all get to your respective points in good time. One of his operatives will give you a hi-viz top. Please follow their instructions. A few words from Rich:

“It is absolutely imperative that our Operatives are seen to take the lead on traffic management. Please brief your volunteer marshals and ensure they are aware that they must act, only on your direct guidance. It is our job to assess when it is safe for the marshal to step in to the carriageway to close the road. Likewise, once the race has passed and the closure is removed”

HQ is Sheriff Hutton by the way....See you Sunday :D
by Cam B Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:26 pm
Hi Everyone

Here’s what it’s looking for Sunday

80 odd riders (over 3 races....They start 3 mins after each other) for the LVRC and 70 for the BC

LVRC event 10.00

Driver 1 Nick B
Driver 2 Martin S
Driver 3 Steve S
Driver 4 Craig B
Marshal Dave C Sheriff Hutton Roundabout
Marshal Barbara D Sheriff Hutton Roundabout
Marshal Ian H Stillington Chippy
Marshal Simon N Stillington / Moxby Lane
Marshal Martin W Moxby Lane / Sheriff Hutton Rd
Signing on Me/Phil B (anyone else would be helpful)
Finish Me/Phil B (anyone else would be helpful)

BC event 13:30

Driver 1 Dave C
Driver 2 John S
Driver 3 Martin S
Driver 4 Tim J
Marshal Jon G Sheriff Hutton Roundabout
Marshal Steve S Sheriff Hutton Roundabout
Marshal Craig B Stillington Chippy
Marshal Richard D Stillington / Moxby Lane
Marshal Tom F Moxby Lane / Sheriff Hutton Rd
Signing on Me/Phil B/Barbara D
Finish Me/Phil B /Barbara D

Any spare bodies will be asked to wave a flag, at least, at Stillington Bridge, possibly Farlington Bridge/help with junior restrictions/signing on and finish-line.

If Marshalls and drivers could get to HQ initially to see me.

Drivers - I will give you £20.00 towards your petrol costs. For both races we will ask you to put signs on top of your cars to warn other drivers of the race. Looking at the list most of you have done this before. LVRC recommend driving with your headlights on. You should aim to have the bunch coming into clear view of oncoming motorists as they pass you. When you pass the finish line it’s 5 laps. For drivers leading the bunch, at the finish please pull well ahead and, if it’s safe to do so, stop your car on the right hand side of the road with your hazard lights on on to stop oncoming traffic. Safety being the watch word. For the BC drivers the Commy will give you race radios and tell you what to do. We will also have a a couple of NEG motorbikes to keep it extra safe in the BC race,

Marshalls – Rich Houghton (Traffic Management Co.) has asked that you all get to your respective points in good time. One of his operatives will give you a hi-viz top. Please follow their instructions. A few words from Rich:

“It is absolutely imperative that our Operatives are seen to take the lead on traffic management. Please brief your volunteer marshals and ensure they are aware that they must act, only on your direct guidance. It is our job to assess when it is safe for the marshal to step in to the carriageway to close the road. Likewise, once the race has passed and the closure is removed”

HQ is Sheriff Hutton by the way....See you Sunday :D
by Cam B Sat Jun 11, 2016 1:50 pm
Hi everyone

I've had to make some slight changes to the BC race since Richard D has had to drop out thru illness. He was down to Marshal. Barbara.... I've put you down to marshall at the r'bout and Jon I've put you where Richard should be. Hope that's ok? If anyone has any friends or family who are short of of something to do tomorrow and would like to see some exciting bike racing please feel free to bring them along and.... ahem...I'll give them a job :wink: ....Like waving a flag (in a meaningful way near the bridges) or judging on the finish line, etc. etc.



BC event 13:30

Driver 1 Dave C
Driver 2 John S
Driver 3 Martin S
Driver 4 Tim J
Marshal Barbara D Sheriff Hutton Roundabout
Marshal Steve S Sheriff Hutton Roundabout
Marshal Craig B Stillington Chippy
Marshal Jon G Stillington / Moxby Lane
Marshal Tom F Moxby Lane / Sheriff Hutton Rd
Signing on Me/Phil B/and anyone else please
Finish Me/Phil B/and anyone who else who can get there
by PhilBixby Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:36 pm
A very quick post-race-day posting to say well done to Cam for organising both the morning LVRC event and afternoon BC race today - a nightmare where the two events effectively overlap in the middle, but all went well and the riders seemed to really appreciate everyone's efforts.

A big thank-you to everyone who helped out, drove, marshalled, catered!
by Cam B Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:05 pm
Lots of very positive feedback from riders in both races. Many of them came up to me to thank the Club for putting these races on. The Chief Commissaire for the BC race was also very happy with us. He did have to stop the race at one point and admonish the riders for riding over the white line but that’s a rider issue and no reflection on us!

I want to thank everyone who helped out on Sunday across the whole day:
Cath and Paul again did a brilliant job putting the food on for both events.

We would normally have at least 3 or 4 people to judge at the Finish Line. Phil did this all by himself yesterday and got it spot on for both races. He was also around all day helping with signing on, clearing up, being my body guard - lest there be a 'rider revolt' - when I was handing out the “modest” cash prizes, etc., etc. As Phil indicated we had a bit of a ‘mad hour’ between races,when one race is finishing and other riders are turning up HQ to sign on for the next race. Big thanks to Paul for getting stuck in and helping me with this.

Thanks to all the Marshalls who tuned up and made this race nice and safe! My apologies if I did not have too much time to speak to you on the day. Thanks to Jon and Tom who had cycled some distance from home (Jon, in particular, looked like he had gotten a bit of a sweat on by the time he got there!) only for me to send him and Tom out again to the furthest reaches of the circuit to Marshall.

Thanks to the Drivers who all did a thoroughly professional job. Tim....I have some money for you to go towards your petrol.

Results for both races will be on LVRC and BC websites soon. We had some good representation in the LVRC Race. Clifton rides of the day: Damian made the early break in the A/B race and got himself a spot on the podium in the A race (2nd to be precise!). Clifton’s own ‘Bionic Man’: Andy Coates got 3rd in the E race
Roll on next year :D
Last edited by Cam B on Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
by craigdabrown Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:50 pm
As others have said, another successful Clifton Road Race Day and well done to Cam for organising it and everyone else who helped out on the day.

We had quite an interesting situation in the L.V.R.C. event in the morning, where I was driving "broomwagon" behind the third race and the rider who won the first race actually managed to lap and overtake our riders just before the finish line. Winning his race, arms aloft, as we climbed the hill to begin our final lap. Could have got very complicated if the first race had ended in a bunch sprint.
Last edited by craigdabrown on Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
by PhilBixby Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:10 am
It's not usually an issue in LVRC races as the older blokes usually do fewer laps; we run ours with all ages doing the same number of laps as the old blokes like to stretch their legs for a change, and it's not usually an issue for us as it's a big circuit and therefore a huge distance for the A/B race to make up. However, that's Jamie Sharp for you... :roll:
by craigdabrown Tue Jun 14, 2016 11:29 am
Well I enjoyed it as I got to see two race-winners crossing the line from the comfort of my car. I'm not sure the riders I was chaperoning, and who had another lap still to do, would have felt quite the same though.

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