Clifton CC Discussion Board

Shift that old kit, or those un-wanted presents, or see if anyone else has something you're looking for.

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by Tony Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:44 am
Looking for something inexpensive. I don't intend to ride it outside, simply mount to a (turbo) trainer.

Size 56cm required.
Frame material doesn't matter.
Weight doesn't matter.
Geometry can be race or endurance.

by paulM Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:08 pm
Hi Tony

Are you still looking and if so how inexpensive?
The Ribble I advertised in January is still available!


by Tony Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:56 pm
Thanks for your note, Paul,

That's a very tidy looking bike, and alas more than I wanted to spend for a bike that will be permanently lashed to a turbo trainer.

I settled on a vintage steel Raleigh R-100 found locally via eBay. I did my first Zwift session with it tonight, and all went well.


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