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by PhilBixby Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:08 am
Barton Wheelers old blokes*** Aussie Pursuit yesterday for me, plus John S, Mark D and Andy C. A lovely sunny day, with a brisk easterly slowing things on the usually rapid descent on the main road at the top of the circuit. Often my season-opener, but this year I'd had a comfy ride at Seacroft Wheelers to persuade me the winter had been a success; this was different though.

The six 55-59's set off like a collective scalded cat, and before the end of the first lap I was off the back. When the 50-54's caught me I managed a couple of laps before departing rearwards; tucked in the back I survived but put in a turn or two and I ran out of steam. A lap or so later John & Mark turned up with the 45-49's and both Andy C and I slotted onto the back and pretty much stayed there until the end.

I always come away from experiences like that beating myself up for not being hard enough, and then look at the numbers:- Well over 300W for the initial stint with my age group, and nearly 280W with the next lot, neither of which I can maintain for more than a handful of minutes despite many years training with that as a goal. Just over 250W overall, despite hiding behind John & Mark, who both looked very strong. 2/3/4's at Braithwell next week, which I suspect will be a lot easier - vets racing is serious stuff!

*** Not strictly just blokes:- women can ride by simply adding 10yrs to their age, and Hull Thursday's Mandy Dean (wife of Neil) kicked off in the 60-64 group, putting in a strong ride but looking pretty shocked at the end of it.
by mart66 Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:56 pm
Cam,Richard and I lined up for the Phillip Russell RR on Sunday.

It's a good circuit near Stokesley and seemed well marshalled by a group of motor cycle outriders.

Horrid conditions - windy, cold an raining but a good race.

I just wanted to stay in the top 20-30 riders and keep myself out of trouble (it was a field of 80). Felt pretty comfortable bit it did line out a few times in the wind especially on the last lap.

Found myself in a decent position for the final corner but, after being bumped of few times and hearing various angry Geordie (well teesside) accents yelling at in each other, I decided to opt out of the sprint. Speeded up just enough to make sure i finished with a s.t.

Well done to Richard who was a bit braver.


by RichardD Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:06 pm
Not ridden the circuit before at Stokesley, but a nice undulating 8 miles with a decent road surface. Wind was not as bad as feared and the early break of three was caught with two laps to go. There were quite a few attempts at getting clear later but with such a big field still together there was always someone to chase things down near the end. I tried on the last half lap but realised I could not keep it up for the 10 minutes required and someone was on my wheel pretty quick. Then just tried to keep position for the last corner and run into the finish. Managed to get 7th in the sprint and glad to get round in one piece. There were some 'moments' with clipped wheels and the odd wobble coming together (sorry Cam) and I can confirm Martin's observation that the language was quite fruity at times. Second week of wind/rain and looking forward to racing in the sun.

Totally unrelated, I have to admire AndyC, racing again after a second knee replacement at the end of last summer!

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