Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by AndyT Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:01 pm
Does anyone know if the Chaingangs will be starting this week? I'm sure it was the week after the clock change last year?

Thanks, Andy.
by Cam B Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:03 pm
Hi Andy
Yes it should start tomorrow: 6.15pm from the usual spot. For anyone who hasn't done it before there's some details and a map showing where it meets on the "Our Rides" tab. on the home page. It's a well established route. It will be fairly steady going out for the first 15 miles or so then one or two pace lines at 'race pace'. Don't know about watts but it may average up to about 25 mph (ish) depending on who is out and the weather etc. It's should be quick if everyone is working heroics, etc., etc. Again, for those who haven't been before, it's not a 'social' ride (although conversation is permitted :D ) in the sense that you should be self- sufficient (i.e. be able to change a tube) since - unless you fall off - unlikely anyone will wait for you if you get dropped once the corner is tuned and the pace-lines start. Saying all that probably won't be out tomorrow but will get out in forthcoming weeks when I can. Someone should be out tomorrow though I'm sure.
by paulM Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:10 pm
Glad someones mentioned this - its saved me a job. hope to be there but will probably join in on the way out. We've been doing this route for over 20 years. Its a triumph of simplicity as we retrace the outward leg with a little loop at the end and a fast & flat ride back. Having said that it is hard. Lets just try and keep it organised as we sometimes have problems with this especially early in the year. Although this is the Clifton evening chaingang there are a good few who arent members who have been doing it for years. We had some greats rides last year each week seemed to get better and better. I would recomend LEDs for this week as we dont start til 6:15.
by AndyT Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:56 am
Thanks Cam/Muzzy.

Not sure I'l make it tonight, but I should be out over Summer.

by GrahamMartin Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:00 am
Without wanting to put a damper on Clifton's efforts - does anyone know if tonight is the first meet-outside-Cycleworks chaingang or not? Which route is Tuesday and which is Thursday these days?
by AndyT Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:02 am
Looking on the oracle that is Twitter, it appears that the Cycleworks group will also be out tonight.

Never done the Cycleworks one, but Chris Clark who sometimes posts on here is a regular I believe.
by leadshoes Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:50 pm
Re Cycleworks chaingang, yes it has started, Tuesday goes north via flaxton and Easingwold, and Thursday via Pocklington. Meet at 6 outside the shop. About 20 turned up tonight.
by GrahamMartin Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:19 pm
I was one of the early 'drop offs' - right when I was pushing my limit, an oncoming car on the single-lane to Brandsby meant I braked to avoid crashing, but suddenly had a 20 meter gap to cover, and it just wasn't happening. "Better luck next time" as they say. Slogged on over Crayke, then headed back South by the B1363. 2 hours, 32.5kph average, both for the hour I was in the bunch and for the hour I was alone.

Anyone else get anywhere?

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