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by PhilBixby Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:38 pm
I thought I'd better kick this off now since (i) the OGM - at which sporting events are discussed/agreed - is not far off on Monday 18th November (at The Golden Ball - get it in your diaries) and (ii) with the TdF visit next year the race calendar is doubtless going to get a bit shuffled, and sorting out event dates early would be good.

Assuming we're happy to continue doing the two evening events as part of a race series, this then leaves:-

-BC Road Race
-LVRC Road Race, plus
-Suggested Women's RR

I've heard / kicked around two suggestions:-

(1) Slot the Women's RR into the evening prior to the first (4th cat only) evening RR. For:- It's easy; marshals will be there anyway, etc. Against:- If competitors are coming from a wider area, early evening may be tricky. Possible solution is to run it after the 4th cat race and put the early attendance issues on them instead. Or...

(2) Go for a more major re-vamp. Do a Women's RR in place of the BC RR in the afternoon after a morning LVRC vets race. Do the BC RR as a separate event, and as a two-stage event as it has been in the past (possibly prologue in morning and RR in afternoon). For:- Gives more time for each event; allows the BC RR to use a harder circuit (Bulmer?) than the others. Against:- Requires more organisation, more marshals, may be harder to make it stack up (but may not).

Can I have some initial thoughts on this please. Any thoughts which contain the phrase "I'd be happy to...." would be particularly welcome! :D

by Cam B Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:52 pm
I would vote for option (1) but wonder if we could start the women’s race 5mins after 4th Cat race. We do that with the Vets’ races already although they are under LVRC. That would avoid any potential problems re: starting the race too early. I don’t think Rich Houghton would be charging us anymore for traffic management. We would need to provide some more drivers on the night though. One potential obstacle to it would be that BC aren’t happy about us running two races together like this(?). Unless anyone knows the answer to this happy to speak to Julie Rodman to get the ‘BC view’ if the consensus is to go with this option.

(Gulp… :shock: ) I would be happy to organise one of the above races…I “organised” the (Sunday) BC race last season and would be happy to do this again but it’s the only one I can race in next season so would like to put a bid in for one of the NYERRL races whether that’s the ”double header” one for the 4th Cats and Women or the other one…Happy to drive/marshall in one or two events as well.

For anyone who hasn't organised a race before - and is thinking of having a go - it's dead easy :wink: and there is now a few of us who have done it who can help with any queries you may have.

by mart66 Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:04 pm
I'd be happy to organise the 4th cat race/ women's race unless anyone has a burning desire to do so. If they do, I'd be happy to organise the second Thursday night race.

Let me know.



by nigelt Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:16 pm
As discussed before Phil I'd be happy to organise one of the races. Perhaps I could organise the Sunday BC race whether the same as last year or a women's race. I'd like to race the LVRC on the morning. I presume that wouldn't be a problem as I'd be back in good time for the afternoon event ( I think?)

Otherwise I'm up for organising a race, whichever fits best...

by Melly Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:14 pm
I would like to ride the Cat 4 race but happy to help out in whatever is needed as before.

by PhilBixby Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:15 pm
Okay, some interesting thoughts here. It sounds as though there's no particular appetite for the increased commitment required to do the Option 2 I suggested above - if there are any of you out there with a burning desire to take this up, speak now!

If not then I'll have a chat with Pete Sutton about the suggestion of running the Cat 4 and Women's race concurrently. I can see some issues here though (and please correct me if you've practical experience of riding Women-only events) to do with the spread of abilities and the likelihood of the race ending up split and spread out - not what you want when we've got another race (and four more convoy cars) circulating on the same circuit. I tend to feel that running them one after the other (convoy cars could be the same ones; we'd just - presumably - need two commissaires who could swap over between races) would be less troublesome. It would make sense, if this format were used though, to not run this as the season-opener - we'd need a longer evening's daylight.

Gavin's said previously he's happy to run the 4ths-only event again; we've got Martin and Cam who have said they're happy run an evening event, Nigel's up for doing the BC RR (just don't fall off in the vets race, matey!)and I'm happy to run the LVRC event again. So, it's really just sorting out the women's race and getting cover for the extra two races if the series extends to eight (I've contacted Harrogate Nova; no response yet).

But as I said - any further thoughts...?
by timj Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:54 pm
I can help out with the 4th Cat race.

by paulM Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:13 pm
Whatever you do do them all on the same day Phil for the sake of the rest of the clubfolk who will need/want to be involved in this not just the road racers - it means they just have to give up one day! As has been mentioned previously we need to have an event on a course that will benefit the clubs riders capable of getting a result on a tough circuit (and we have several), and they are getting fewer these days (circuits not riders). We have 2 circuits on out doorstep - either Bulmer or Brandsby. And Bulmer only has 3 corners to Marshall and no traffic.
As far as I'm concerned the vets races are the toughest going so I dont see why they cant race a circuit like that and the vets & womens BC Div champs were on there 2 years ago so whats the problem? As for the women is it not possible to incorporate that into a BC 2/3/4 cat mens race or if there are sufficient numbers a separate event starting a couple of minutes behind? This may be a hard circuit for women but Iona & Heather managed a result there 2 years ago so again it would suit local riders.
As ever I'm happy to help in any capacity and could drive in either event if required.

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