Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by PhilBixby Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:00 am
Sadly due to Andy M's visit to the roadside ditch and onwards to A&E, I'm one driver down now, so please can I have a volunteer for the morning - BC membership not required.

Also still need one more marshal for the vets race - no experience required, training provided by qualified traffic management professional on the day.

I know there's still a week to go, but come on folks, don't I have enough grey hair already?

by PhilBixby Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:23 am
Okay - just one driver required for the vets race now. Contribution to expenses will be paid, there's refreshments (in vast quantities), roof signs, old blokes, and decidedly fast racing. Frankly it's unmissable!

by PhilBixby Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:53 am
Apologies for this huge posting but some PM's to helpers seem to not be leaving my outbox!

Okay, the order of events for the vets race:-

I'll be heading up to the event HQ for 08:30 when we should have access to the hall. If we can get the signing-on tables out and get Mel set up there, Melly and I can split the signs between us and shoot out to stick them on the roadsides, and still be back shortly after nine which is when signing-on officially starts.

Marshals:- Martin, David Kirk, Craig Brown and Andy Johnson. Rich Houghton & traffic management crew should be there by half nine at the latest and I'll pair you up with one of his operatives each who will give you instruction on procedure. I'll bring dayglo jackets - other than that, check weather and dress accordingly! Let's say:-
David - junction just before Milby
Martin - junction at Thornton Bridge
Andy J - junction just after finish
Craig - junction in Cundall

Drivers:- We'll do a briefing for drivers at 09:30. Vets races are run with three groups on the road (A/B age group, C/D age group, E/F/G/H age group) so we will have a lead car (which will have roof signage provided by LVRC) and following car for each group, with the last one carrying the Red Cross first aiders. Let's say:-
A/B lead car - Melly
A/B following car - Gavin
C/D lead car Muzzy
C/D following car - Neil K
E/F/G/H lead car - Damian
E/F/G/H following car + first aiders - Cam

Don't forget to get an envelope with a £20 note in it off me at some stage! Please park somewhere near the HQ so we can gather in convoy by about 09:45. I'll do a briefing to the riders at about 09:50 and get them to gather in age groups. We'll set off with three minutes between A/B and C/D and a further three minutes between C/D and E/F/G/H. Drive out to the circuit (make sure you know the route!) at steady neutralised pace - racing starts after the right-hand turn onto the circuit. All three races are the same distance and - if it all goes as it should - the three groups should stay nicely separated on the circuit. After the finish, head straight back to HQ. I'll encourage the riders to do the same.

Once the riders have set off I'll head up to the finish area with Mel and we'll set up & check the finish line camera and run the lap board & bell for the races. If there are any spare bodies around (and there's usually a few family and friends hanging around at the finish) we'll stick pens and paper in their hands for recording numbers as a fall-back. We'll head back to the HQ as soon as the last group have finished and try to unpick the results from the videos - I'll take a laptop.

Riders should be turning up at HQ for refreshments from around 12-ish. As soon as we get the placings sorted we'll do the prizegiving.

All of the signage stays out on the circuit for the afternoon BC race.

Does that all sound okay? Please could everyone email/PM me their mobile number (if you'll have one on the day) and your email address to roadrace at cliftoncc dot com if I haven't already got them - just in case of last-minute issues. If anyone needs a lift up there let me know ASAP and I'll put you in touch with the various drivers - I'm sure we can sort something out.

If I've forgotten anything let me know. Soon!

Lastly many thanks to you all - without you, this race wouldn't happen. The size of the entry shows how it's quickly become a very popular event in the three years we've been running it so there are a lot of old blokes out there who are very grateful to you. Many thanks too to Cam for taking on the afternoon BC race and making the day much easier for me.

Phil B
Last edited by PhilBixby on Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

by Cam B Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:54 am
Re: BC race…

Signing on starts at 12.00
Thanks to Dave C and Graham Martin for dealing with signing on….Looks like we will have a full field of 60 plus a handful of reserves. For EOLs it’s £20.00. Dave …if you don’t mind stopping at HQ in case there are any dropouts who want to return their numbers…thanks

Paul W (Junction 1 at Thornton Bridge)
Richard D (Junction 2 in Cundall)
Graham Martin (Junction 3 just after finish)
Dave Kirk (Junction 4 just before Milby).

One of Rich Houghton’s Traffic Management Team will meet each of you at your allocated junction at 13.00 – 13.15. They will (probably) still be out on the circuit after marshalling the vet’s race. If you could arrive in good time at HQ to collect your Marshall bibs.

We'll do a briefing for drivers at 13:00.

Melly (Lead car)
Nigel (2nd car)
John S (3rd car)
Broomwagon (Following car)

I know some of you have done this before so know what to do…but Commissiare will bring signage and race radios. 2nd and 3rd car may be advised to change position should a break be formed. The Following car follows the back of the race and will take the First Aiders (Red Cross). The Commissiare will hop in two of the cars as well. Hope that ok.

Please park somewhere near the HQ so we can gather in convoy by about 13:15.

I'll do a briefing to the riders at about 13:20 Drive out to the circuit (make sure you know the route!) at steady neutralised pace - racing starts after the right-hand turn onto the circuit. It’s 5 ¾ laps of the circuit. After the finish, head straight back to HQ.

Don't forget to get an envelope - with a £20 note in it - off me at some stage!

Finish Line/Judging
Phil Bixby/TomF/Dr Dave ….and anyone else please…the more hands and eyes (!) the better – All the equipment (bell/lap counter,etc. will already be at the finish)

Riders should be turning up at HQ for refreshments from around 16:15ish. As soon as we get the placings sorted we'll do the prize giving.

Please could everyone email/PM me their mobile number (if you'll have one on the day) and your email address if I haven't already got them (and I’ll let you know mine) - just in case of last minute issues. If anyone needs a lift up there let me know ASAP (unless you have already contacted Phil).

Thanks once again…This race simply wouldn’t have gone ahead without volunteers :D



Ps. Sorry Phil for plagiarizing (or as I like to think…recycling) some of the content of your post :wink:

by GrahamMartin Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:41 pm
Hello, sorry to be quiet - have been away.

Yes Cam, I'm fine with the jobs you've assigned me. My next question is transport - can anyone give me a lift out? Also, are these tasks for both races, or just one, and if so, which?


by Cam B Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:34 pm
Hi Graham
Happy to give you a lift but I will be aiming to get to HQ for about 8.30. Which means me setting off about 7.50 from York. Perhaps you could get a lift off someone who is just coming in the afternoon??

The tasks relate to just the BC race in the afternoon. Signing on starts at 12.00 and race starts at 13.30



by GrahamMartin Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:50 pm
If I'm only needed in the afternoon, I shall head out on bike. Hope I get some good volunteer refreshments! I need to go to Leeds afterwards, so it'll be a nice day of cycling in various forms.

by Cam B Sat Jun 29, 2013 6:13 am
Guidance for 'Signing On' for BC race:

Just realised that Dave C and I will not be at HQ when signing on starts at 12.00. Dave C will be racing in the LVRC race and I am driving so if I can leave it in your capable hands (that’s you Graham :D) to deal with some of the early arrivals who want to sign on.

I will make sure table is set up with numbers (two numbers per rider pinned on pockets), two rider lists, Start sheet, pins, pens, small “float” to give change for one rider who has entered but will be paying on day.

We have 60 riders entered plus (at time of writing) 5 reserves. The reserves will be clearly marked on the list in order of priority. We can offer the reserves a place should we not get a full field when signing on closes at 13:10. I will mark on the list next to rider’s name if they have to pay anything and how much. If there are still places after that we can offer rides to EOLs. It’s £20.00 on the day.

There are two rider lists (a master copy and one that we give to Commissaries). Please make sure that riders sign on both sheets.

For riders signing on day please ask that they provide all their details –i.e. club, DOB, category, emergency and BC license number. If anyone wants to pay for a ‘Day License’ I will leave some info. on the table about this…how much it costs ,etc.

We need to keep all their licenses for the duration of the race.

We have a few juniors who have entered. It is Commissaries responsibility to check gear restrictions.

I am sure you know most of the above Graham anyway since you will have been to enough races yourself….many thanks :)

by PhilBixby Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:35 am
Cath will be around too - she's an old hand at it!

by cath Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:43 am
Less of the 'old' thanks Phil! :)
But yes- will be around to help sign on for any really keen arrivals.

by Cam B Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:34 am
Great thanks :) Graham assures me that he will be there in good time

Martin (aka Mart66)...Not sure if you got my PM...but if you haven''s ok you will get a ride

by menticknap Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:35 pm
Could i be the first to say how much i enjoyed todays LVRC race.
Organisation was excelent and the racing within the peloton just never stopped. It must be my favorite race to date.
No brown envelope, but one big smile!

by Cam B Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:45 am
Thanks to everyone (too numerous to mention!!) who helped out in the BC race particular to Cath and Lisa for putting on the food and Dave, Paul, Nigel, Richard and John - who rode in the Vets race in the morning and managed to sprint back to HQ and then get themselves sorted for their jobs in the afternoon :D .

Here's a report from Julie (the Chief Comm.):

It was warm and dry for a change in the lanes around Boroughbridge today for Clifton's afternoon race. Fifty eight riders took to the start lane, as it was led out of Aldborough village on to the famous Milby circuit the riders weren't going to hang about. The speed was fast and they were soon doing 50mph for five miles, the narrow roads made for the odd attacks but they were soon brought back not gaining more than twelve seconds.

With strong teams wanting a bunch sprint nothing was sticking and counter attacks were fast and furious only to be dragged back again. The strong wind didn't help for breakaways.

With two laps to go Steve Coates - We Love Mountains and Richard Moore - Squadra RT gained twenty two seconds, however Dirtwheels riders weren't letting this go and brought them back on the final lap.

The average speed was 26mph in windy conditions so they weren't hanging around.

The last lap the odd riders tried to get away eventually the elastic was broken with Connor Swift, Bike box Alan attacking with Andy Shaw - Out of the Saddle, this was the decisive move they were joined by Mike Marshall - Dirtwheels. These riders worked well together to take the first three places, there was then a bunch sprint finish with Peter Barusevicus - Dirtwheels just holding off Giles Pidcock - Chevin Cycles.

Clifton certainly fetched the riders out for the day and the families all made it a great team effort, with it being complemented by great traffic management with Rich Houghton and his team.

The riders were even treated to a superb spread laid on in the village hall.

Best third cat rider was Andy Shaw in second place, with best fourth cat going to Richard Benson Yorkshire Velo.


1. Connor Swift. Bike Box Alan
2. Andy Shaw. Out of the Saddle RT
3. Mike Marshall. Dirtwheels RT
4. Peter Barusevicus Dirtwheels RT
5. Giles Pidcock. Chevin Cycles
6. Dominic Smith. Retford and district whs
7. Lewis Jackson. Team Diabetes uk
8. Nathan Wilson. Wilson Wheels
9. Ben Hallworth. Ilkley CC
10. Dan Keena. Squadra RT
11. Simon Maudsley. Dirtwheels RT
12. Jacob Trotter. Squadra RT
13. Jon Wilkinson. BBM Revolution
14. Dave Sowerby. Sowerby bros RT
15. Richard Moore. Squadra RT

by PhilBixby Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:24 am
...and likewise a massive thank you to all of you who made the morning LVRC event a success. Great work by the marshals and drivers (and especially Melly and Muzzy for turning up early to help with set-up and signage), and thanks to Hannah and Mel for dealing with signing on and the vast quantities of bare over-40's flesh and embrocation fumes, plus judging at the finish. Lastly many thanks once again to Cath and Lisa for another year's wonderful food - really appreciated by all. Plus thanks to all who just helped out in other ways.

No event report but a couple of sample emails of appreciation from competitors:-

"I just wanted to thank you for putting on today’s race. It was very well organised and it’s clear you put a lot of effort into it. I really enjoyed riding, in fact, its days like today that make all the winter training worth while. My thanks to you and your team of helpers!"

"Well that was my 1st LVRC road race today, just writing to say had a great morning, good racing thoroughly enjoyed it, so a big thanks for all the effort you and your team put in."

Results were:-

A/B race

Shaun Tyson 1st A
Michael Wright 2nd A
Paul Hickman 3rd A

Sean Smith 1st B
Lee Johnson 2nd B
Stephen Ellis 3rd B

C/D race

Philip Wilkins 1st C
Robert Pye 2nd C
Rob Blackburn 3rd C

Steve Collins 1st D
Mark Robinson 2nd D (after review)
Robert Whitfield 3rd D
John Galway 4th D

E/F/G/H race

Malcolm Fraser 1st E
Dave Maughan 2nd
Reg Haigh 3rd E

David Hargreaves 1st F
Jeff Hardy 2nd F
John Leach 3rd F

Paul Priestley 1st G
Jim Morrison 2nd G
Ron Bennett 3rd G

Jack Watson 1st H

Craig Z was there taking pics and I'm sure they'll be up soon at

Well done everyone. :D

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