Clifton CC Discussion Board

A place to discuss Mountain Biking: Organise rides or lifts, or just chat about rides, equipment or anything else.

Moderators: StephF, Tullio, Moderators

by Jez Fri May 03, 2013 10:46 pm
So I'm reading 10 reasons to do a coast-to-coast mountain bike ride in the bike radar email and it mentions the Rat-Race: The Crossing. Sounds great....but at £410, I think not. Well actually I'm thinking perhaps it's a challenge to consider for Clifton MTB'ers. Obviously some proper training required, but just wondered if anyone else would be interested in attempting it as our own separate weekend adventure?

by SteveW Sat May 04, 2013 10:21 am

Sounds like a great idea, subject to getting time off work. Which route are you thinking of ?
I've wanted to do the off road C2C for a while, so definitely interested.


by Mr Marmite Sat May 04, 2013 10:24 am
I would be game for doing that too!

Sounds an interesting challenge.....
by Ros Sat May 04, 2013 4:39 pm
Me 2 (if girls are allowed) :lol:

by kazled Sat May 04, 2013 4:57 pm
Good idea Jez! Yes I'd be up for it depending on dates etc. when are you thinking?


by Jez Mon May 06, 2013 7:03 pm
Well seems the idea has sparked quite a bit of interest, and girls definitely most welcome.

A very rough idea of route would be something like start at Whitehaven and ride out towards Penrith. Past Barnard Castle towards Northallerton then eventually end up in Scarborough. There's obviously some logistics to figure out - do we catch the train to our starting point perhaps? I think it would probably be best to get a few maps together and determine what all the options are. I presume hostels/B&B's would be best rather than going for the camping option. :)

The Rat Race C2C is spread over 3 days doing roughly 60 miles each day. I was thinking we may want to consider spreading the ride over 4 days with a target of 40-45 miles each day.

As for when to do it.... well I figured August Bank Holiday might be a suitable weekend to aim for. Perhaps starting the challenge on the Friday, so just one day off work required.

by Debs Mon May 06, 2013 8:25 pm
Subject to the date being confirmed jf and i defo want in on this!! Great idea jez.

by Paul S Wed May 08, 2013 12:03 pm
Sounds fantastic fun. I look forward to it :)


by HannahW Sat May 11, 2013 7:47 am
Me and Hiedi have been planning to do this with Simon and Rich A. We'd love to join you (though me coming ties it to a school holiday :( sorry, least I get a few to chose from, tee hee hee).

30 miles = Slice of cake

by HannahW Sat May 11, 2013 7:52 am
Just read Jez's post properly, aug bank hol is good.

What we going to do about kit? Travel super light or get a support vehicle (can you guess what I'm thinking mother ;))

30 miles = Slice of cake

by Jez Sat May 11, 2013 10:40 pm
Well I've been studying the map a little closer, but not enough yet to track down bridleways and such like. However have come up with the following.

Rough outline of route:

Day 1 - Ravenglass -> Ambleside -> Windermere -> Kendal

Day 2 - Kendal -> Sedbergh -> Cowgills -> Askrigg -> Leyburn

Day 3 - Leyburn -> Northallerton -> Osmotherly -> Stokesley

Day 4 - Stokesley -> Danby -> Grosmont -> Robin Hood's Bay

Date: Fri 16th - Mon 19th August

Quite liking the idea of making it a camping trip to add to the fun and the challenge.

The logistics of getting to the start and getting home to be determined and advised in due course.

So does the route seem reasonable?
Is the date OK with everyone?
And does camping grab your fancy?
And answers on a postcard with regards to the logistics..... :D

by HannahW Tue May 14, 2013 3:10 pm
Hi Jez,

That weekend is no good for Si and me unfortunately (do you know thats not bank holiday weekend?) and I'm not so fond of the camping idea.


30 miles = Slice of cake

by Jez Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:11 pm
Hi All,

Thought in order to make this happen I'd suggest a little get together.

Tuesday 2nd July - Nags Head, Askham Bryan 8pm - meeting to discuss Coast to Coast trip - determine who is definitely interested, go through planned route, and get accommodation booked and training plan worked out.

Current plan is still to try for Bank Holiday weekend.

Let us know if you can't make the meeting but are still interested.



by Debs Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:51 pm
Hi Jez

JF and I can't do the Bank Holiday Weekend or the subsequent weekend - both have been bandied about on here as suggestions.

If you decide to move the date then please let me know as I'd love to do this. I would prefer not to camp.....


by Ros Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:40 pm
Hi Jez
I am still interested and can do bank holiday weekend. I cannot make this Tuesday tho' and would prefer not to camp.
PS I asked Chris about car/road backup, he said yes but he will not camp :)

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