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by Iain M Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:28 pm
This morning, five Clifton riders gathered to compete in the Club 25 Mile Championship - the VTTA (Yorkshire Group) 25 on V235 (Boroughbridge-Walshford loop). It was fairly windy, with a northerly headwind / cross-headwind on the way back to Boroughbridge. The times were: S. Savage (01:01:55), I. Millns (01:06:14), and M. Anderton (01:10:10). Sadly, Mike Rennison had to DNF with what sounds like a serious calf injury - get better soon Mike! Pete Skelton also had to DNF with a puncture. Congratulations to Steve on becoming the new club 25 Mile Champion!

by nige gos Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:49 pm
nice one steve on a tough course and day

well done to the other riders as well :)

hope your ok mike and its not serious.

by Andy J Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:33 pm
This morning saw 6 of us set off on the training ride, 5 turned off at the top of gally gap, so was a nice lonely ride around the usual route for me. Averaged 19mph, passed loads of large groups of riders on the way back in so looks like the cycle rally was well attended. How did you all get on in the sportives and ronkit rides that were going on.

by PhilBixby Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:08 pm
Just back from doing the Tom Simpson Memorial old blokes race at Harworth. 60 miles for the A/B group (40-49yo) and although I was the sole wearer of the "feared red and black jersey" (copyright R Osman) the local contingent also included Colin Hawxby, Simon Wright and Nigel Warnes.

Threatening skies eventually produced steady rain for the second half of the race, and the marshals and a policeman took pity on us and let us wrong-side an ill-positioned mini-roundabout as the first few laps had produced some spectacular slides.

After many attempted escapes, a small group got away about halfway through the race, and about half a lap later Colin engaged TT mode and set off in pursuit with another rider (who quickly got crossed off Colin's xmas card list) sat steadfastly on his wheel. He never made it to the front group but stayed away which was enough for a good placing. Simon and I finished in the bunch, but it all got a bit much for Nigel. It's always a hard race with a huge entry (must have been pushing 200 across all age groups) - 40 years next month since Tom's untimely end atop Mont Ventoux.

by Rob Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:33 pm
7 familiar faces for the Sunday Clubrun. Much flatter route this week, through Easingwold, Coxwold, Bagby, Topcliffe, Carthorpe to cafe at Thorpe Perrow just south of Bedale, then a traditional route back via Rainton and Helperby. A couple of drenchings but at least they were warm.... Back in York by 3.

Went to the Rally yesterday. The bicycle polo kept us entertained for a while and I got some inner tubes, but i always feel should be more excitement somehow. Don't want to be critical because I have no real suggestions. Lot's of mud even by Sat midday, so must be like the battle of the Somme out there now!

by paulM Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:17 pm
I took 11th place earlier today and 5 points in the Adept Precision RT 2/3/4 cat road race on the short & slightly tedious Ingleby Greenhow / Battesby / Easby circuit near Stokesley. Victory went to suprise entry on the line Graham Baxter of Sporting Tours, back in the UK prior to the T de F start. He was simply in a different class and one of three escapees who had gone clear on about the 4th of 14 laps and at one point had about 3mins a large fast moving bunch.
I had a brief attempt to get away off the front with Mark Wolstenholme but we were quickly caught. Another group went clear on the last lap, and then another. I jumped away from the bunch just going into Ingleby Greenhow with about a half mile left, went straight past the group in front and just kept going. I wasn't a pretty site at the end though!
This I've decided is not a safe circuit and I had the narrowest of escapes when the bunch had to squeeze in for a car coming the opposite way (which was happening all round the circuit because the bunch was too big and the roads too narrow. I honestly don't know how I got round that car, the rider next to me couldn't believe it either and told me to get a lottery ticket tonight - I told him I'd win the bunch sprint instead!
I've moaned to a few to a few people this year about courses being used for BC events and there is nothing safe about big bunches on narrow lanes. It kind of links with Robs comments on time trialling - the simple truth is organisers put events on that will attract big fields because they are on a fast course or in my case a road race that will inevitably lead to a big bunch finish, the sports governing body sanctions it and everyone just hopes nothing goes wrong. Everyones just riding their luck, and today it was my turn!

by Kit Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:12 am
I rode The Not So Lumpy Road Race on the smaller Bashall Eaves circuit near Clitheroe. I attacked early and was joined by two others, and we quickly built up a lead of over two minutes despite me sliding out on a corner on the first of 15 laps and losing much skin from my left leg. With 5 laps remaining my breakaway companions were starting to suffer, although our lead stayed at over two minutes. I towed them for a while then attacked with about 10 miles remaining and won alone by 2 mins 44", despite a surprisingly long hill to get to the finish which was away from the circuit. It wasn't a very high class field and I think the weather dampened the enthusiasm of the chasers, but a pleasing ride nonetheless.

by MarkA Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:11 am
Sat was Ron Kit day and saw a good turnout at an early hour
The severe task master failed to drive the peloton past the wi cakes
But a wet and happy group of 6 arrived back in York on schedule having picked up Keith and Anne at Castle Howard
Even if i say so myself we were quite magnificent on the hills - thanks and congrats to Gill, Claire and Willy
But i felt dreadful in the evening and fearing onset of man flu dipped out and drove to Ampleforth Sun a.m. - HQ for Pete Longbottom
Mac had ridden out and who should appear at top of Terrington bank but Keith and Anne again - looking fit and dry
Andy J also came past travelling only marginally slower than the big bunch did on the first lap!

How did the Ron Kit (long) riders go on Sat? I guess you may have got a bit wet??

by Arthur Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:24 am
We got wet :) A group of about 9 including four Clifton riders formed after Terrington Bank and we stayed together towards the hills. Various people stopped at various teastops, and so a group of four arrived back in York at about 1:40 having not stopped.

I would have stopped for tea and cakes at the second teastop, but it was lashing it down by then and I just wanted to get back :(

by mal Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:05 pm
The long Ron K for me and, Claire and Gill please note, I remained Mr Grumpy most of the day. Slid gently off the back at Terrington and then couldn't get me rain jacket off over me gloves so had to stop - so even further back : :( . Had a jolly ride to Caulkleys (?), which I then grumbled up as I was passed by Featherstone RC. Got baulked by a chain shedding Trek rider after the ford by St Gregory's Minster. Blakey Bank!! Great downhill to Castleton then just after Danby passed by Featherstone RC, again, who must have gone the wrong way at Low Mill :lol: , and then they missed the turn to Fryup - oh dear!! :twisted: . Fryup was fun but very sobering when I arrived at the accident atop Rosedale, where I waited with Ian to stop traffic as the air ambulance landed. Don't know how the guy was but he walked to the helicopter. Missed out Rosedale Bank, got another good soaking then teamed up with the Norton Wheelers from Sheffield - apparently sulking 'cos the Clifton cohort were going a tad too fast - who gave it some real clog all the way back to York - now that was fun. Back about an hour after Arthur & co. by the sounds of it, so not bad by my standards.

by Arthur Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:10 pm
We stopped at the accident at the top of Rosedale as well. They guy was on the Ryedale Rumble and hit a sheep. There were lots of other people there and when we asked what we could do it was clear the answer was nothing, so we pushed on.

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