Clifton CC Discussion Board

A place to discuss Mountain Biking: Organise rides or lifts, or just chat about rides, equipment or anything else.

Moderators: StephF, Tullio, Moderators

by Jez Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:03 pm
Just thought I'd see what the consensus of opinion and ideas out there might be for making next year an even greater Clifton mountain biking year.

Some questions that spring to mind:

When is the best time for you to ride?

Where would you like to see a trip away arranged for?

What are the best day(s) for club rides?

Should we have more weekend club rides? The Road section of the club ride weekly, should we also?

Who's happy to lead a ride or arrange a weekend away?

What ideas do you have that you would like to share?

by lugster77 Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:22 am
How about a weekend in north Wales? There's that new uplifted place at antur stiniog which has blue/red/black/double black trails back down at the mo with more to come. Its not all hardcore dh apparently! How about 1 day there and another at coed y brenin or similar?
I'll stick my hand up and offer to organise that if anyone's Interested
How about weekend of 18th may

by Ian S Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:51 pm
Hi Jez,

I'm happy to maybe lead a ride or two next year.

Me & Helen have been using a simple we call 'keep it simple stupid!', where you go for regular rides but nearer to home.

The destinations aren't always that exotic, but it does mean regular riding (which is no mean feat in the winter months.) Moors, Castle Howard, Cropton etc.

I'm definately up for a weekend away, but will be commited to the Gravity Enduro Series next year too, so have to be selective about weekends.

Looking forward to even more bike miles with Clifton next year :-)

by Tullio Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:35 am
My 2 day trip will be on again next year. Sixth anniversary I think and there's now only 2 that have done all 6.

Same format, same time of year.

by SimonW Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:44 am
Hi Jez,

I would love to see more weekend club runs and I am also very happy to lead some of them.

This year I have made very few MTB club runs due to clashes with other events, so more options would be great. If I remember corectly we had no shortage of weekend ride leaders.

I would also support more weekend trips to Wales.



by anotherpaul Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:28 pm
Weekend trip to Wales sounds good to me.
Would also like to do Kiroughtree/Mabie/Dalbeattie weekend. Glentress weekend too!

In short - Need to ride my bike more!


by HannahW Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:55 am
Hey all,

I will organise a Glentress trip this year and I'm going to give Rach Woolley a shout about organising a trip to Urr lodge for some Mabie/Kirroughtree/Dalbeattie action. (but if she can't, I'm happy to organise that too)


by Mr Marmite Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:11 pm
Hey Guys and Girls,

Had a mad idea on getting more Mountain biking as a club, why not try set the first and third Sunday of every month as a club run but try keep the locations set too, Dalby on the first and Castle Howard on the third keeping it fairly local, I know we may get a little bored and will clash with events or general club runs but its a start......



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