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by Rob Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:11 pm
So what did you all make of the series of seminars at St John's?
Would you like to learn more?
Which subjects would you like to take further?

I need some guidance.



by PhilBixby Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:50 pm
Very useful indeed - and thanks, Rob, for setting them up. Personally I found the first two more useful than this week's one, but that's only because I've been trawling a ton of literature on training with HR. There's a point of principle too, which is about what the club provides that you don't get by simply riding your bike with a few mates. This is just that kind of thing.

Things I'd like to know more about... avoiding injury (aside from obvious things like not falling off) and recovering from it, effects of age on training regimes. I'd be interested to see if some sort of link could be made between the training which takes place on the road (training ride / chain gang) and classroom-type sessions - some sort of feedback process.

I think we should also take up CH's offer (if we maintain a relationship with them) of using their suppliers to run sessions - hydration / bikefitting / whatever.

Incidentally - and specifically in relation to Monday's session - there's a thread going on one of the web forums about training for specific purposes - the shifting of lines on graphs which was described on Monday. A useful link was posted which is ... aining.pdf - it's about training with a power meter but the info on the purpose of specific workouts is relevant whatever; HR monitor users will need to use a bit of creative thinking about how it applies to them though.

by MarkA Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:41 pm
I thought all 3 were v good

Thanks for organising and also to the St Johns team for putting them on

Looking forward to the power one :)

On the mtb side i wonder if there is scope for a classroom session on bike handling / balance / weight positioning and maybe something on suspension setup etc - all completely new to me

Even if it just provided a bit of theory for us to test out on a Weds night would be good

I think this is more of a winter thing but we could also get together for something a bit more practical

Rob - you remember that circuit training we used to do at the uni?
Or some stretching / conditioning - pilates for cyclists seems v trendy
Or even if we just got a bunch of those calibrated bikes together / got together for monster "spinning" session somewhere

by Rob Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:34 pm
Thanks for your thoughts guys.

I've had one other suggestion via email for something around stretching / injury prevention.

So that's 63 "views" and 3 "replies".... :(

Maybe this is a "Rumsfeld"; an unknown unknown rather than a known unknown? Instead of the open question: "what would you like to do?" maybe we need to come up with a list or specific suggestions for you to comment on? In the meantime your thoughts continue to be welcome.

by cath Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:43 pm
Circuit training is fun - I miss it since the barbican closed, spinning is good as well - done a few sessions.

by Tullio Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:11 pm
I only went to the Nutrition event but saw the notes from the other 2, so I'm only partially qualified to comment.

1. I learnt a lot from the nutrition evening and thought John's style was lively and engaging..just what's needed for an evening session.

2. It would be a shame not to follow up all 3 somehow by someone being a volunteer guinea pig and applying what they learnt from all 3 and doing a write up for the web site on results. Nothing too scientific just real world..what worked, what they found practical and what had no effect or was too impractical. This is probably best handled by one of the guys who race this season.

3. Perhaps a follow up from 2. is to see if the college want to get involved in a case study from the club e.g. pluck a newcomer, or someone than wants to improve, from the club and work with them for a season to chart progress and do a write up.

by stevesavage Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:53 pm
I thought all 3 were good and I've learnt a few things.

I know John mentioned the possibility of a follow up session on the positive thinking talk.

Thanks Rob for setting them up.

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