Clifton CC Discussion Board

A place to discuss Mountain Biking: Organise rides or lifts, or just chat about rides, equipment or anything else.

Moderators: StephF, Tullio, Moderators

by Danders Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:44 pm
Anyone fancy a mud and water fest at Dalby on wednesday. Rock up 18:45 at low Dalby car park for a 19:00 start and we'll head out and see what can be riden. Please post if you're coming as no posts + no ride. thanks, David

by Debs Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:51 am
Hi David

I think - judging by the posts on Dalby Bike Barn's Facebook page - that Dalby will be pretty much unrideable - there's still deep snow on the higher sections and the bottom sections are deep mud (mmm my favourite).

I'll pass this evening! Thanks for organising though. D

by Karl M Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:34 am
Hi David. I’d like to join you. But as both Debs and yourself suggest, Dalby does look iffy.

Could we consider meeting at the Exhibition Square at 6.30pm and doing an urban route instead?

Here’s one ride we could try: (taking from StephS's post here, so it'll be a good 'un with an option to shorten it if needed).
And the weather looks fine: nil rain, 6C, light winds.

But we’d need a ride leader called Mr. Garmin. :wink:
What do we think?
by Danders Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:53 pm
Karl = Great suggestion! :D

Ok, lets go for this then. Dalby Cancelled.

NOW. Meet at Exhibition Square, York at 18:30 bring front & back lights and if there is a Mr Garmin to lead then that would be great.

If not I have an OS map and and a print out of the route - if we can find our way around a forest in the dark then this should be childs play......


by Ros Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:31 pm
Awh! Can't make tonight and I love that ride :( Have fun and don't get too stuck in the mud :D

by SteveW Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:49 pm
Hi Danders and all,

I was hoping to join you but couldn't commit to anything as something has been building at work - it looks like I'll be working too late to come and join you tonight, unfortunately. If I can I'll see you at Exhibiton Square.



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