Clifton CC Discussion Board

A place to discuss Mountain Biking: Organise rides or lifts, or just chat about rides, equipment or anything else.

Moderators: StephF, Tullio, Moderators

by like my bike Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:32 am
A general question and not to be seen as a we should get on and do it!

What would it take to organise a MTB XC series based around Yorkshire & North East forests.

I see from the BC calender there was a Yorkshire MTB championships planned for Dalby but its been cancelled.

Does anyone remember the Sportage MTB Series in the late 80's, included a 2 day event at Boltby, format something like Day 1 TT, and Hill Climb Day 2, XC race :D , I remember camping over the place was rammed!! Other races at Dalby, Hamsterley, Guisborough, Keilder.

Final though what happened to the Simba Series?

Your thoughts !!!!


by Tullio Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:40 pm
Any racing in the region would get my support. Some of the forests they use for the TQ events would be ideal, not just Dalby, and I'm sure Forestry people would support it.

At the moment, unless you're willing to travel big distances and do the NPS, the only local league is the Trailquest. Maybe with the World Cup coming to the Region next year it'll ignite some local interest?

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