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Summer midweek rides starting 13th

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 10:44 am
by Tullio
By popular demand we'll be kicking off the midweek rides again on 13th.

After consulting those that turn up, the consensus was that you'd like a bit more variety rather than the same place every week. We'll therefore adopt a format of 7pm start but location details will be posted on the Discussion Board weekly. If the weather's cr*p we'll usually call it off.

I'd like more people to help out with route choice too. Debs, Jez and Simon all helped last year which really helped and meant we'd had more variety of routes. If you've an idea of where to go or want to have a go at picking a route please step forward and help out.

Also feel free to post other ad-hoc rides on other days. The more choice of rides there are the better whilst the weather's fine.