Clifton CC Discussion Board

A place to discuss Mountain Biking: Organise rides or lifts, or just chat about rides, equipment or anything else.

Moderators: StephF, Tullio, Moderators

by Danders Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:32 am
April showers huh....

The forecast is looking a bit changeable, and its bloomin cold when it rains. So I'm going to suggest we meet at 1845 for a 1900 start - and tomorrow I confirm where..

the default location is Dalby low car park. So unless the weather picks up then we'll meet there. If it changes then I'll update this site by 1600 tomorrow

by jwood Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:19 pm
I would like to join you tomorrow, I am a Clifton CC member and have taken over from Andy Johnson as the Go-ride representative. I spoke to Jez regarding the MTB section of the club and would like to ride regularly in the week as I coach at Yorksport on Saturday mornings. Cheers Jeremy
by Danders Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:31 pm
Ok. Dalby it is, forecast is dry - so let's do it.

See you there Jeremy (silver van and black mondeo estate)


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