Clifton CC Discussion Board

The place to discuss racing and training.

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by mart66 Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:09 am
Brilliant stuff guys. Thanks for all those who have volunteered. It's a sacrifice for everyone - some guys have given up rides and others are giving up their evening even though they don't race. So it's really appreciated.
Thankfully I don't have to drive with my two year old in the back of the car (she talks too much these days for me to keep that a secret from her mum).

by nigelt Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:56 pm
Hi Martin,

FYI I won't be racing either- I'll be looking after the event on the night instead of Cam (we swapped this race and the race on the 28th) so my place can be reallocated as well.


by Cam B Tue Jun 16, 2015 2:16 pm
Hi Nigel

It's getting a bit complicated this isn't it but we'll sort it out :D . Martin has passed on the Organiser role to me on the BC website.....I'll send you a PM


by Cam B Mon Jun 22, 2015 5:20 pm
Thanks to everyone for offering to help out this Thursday night

If everyone could aim to get there in good time please and no later than 6.00pm for briefings from Nigel, the Traffic Management guys and Commissaires.

Nigel will be the ‘On the Night’ Organiser

Race starts at 7.00pm but signing on starts at 5.45pm. Any help there will be appreciated

It’s on the Saxton circuit and the HQ is the Crooked Billet Inn on Wakefield Road

Signing on - Nigel and anyone else


1.Melly (still need your details for the insurance form. Please PM me)
2.John S
3. Phil B
4. Ross


1. Cotchers Ln and B1217 junction - 1 x volunteer - John Savage's son

2. B1217 and Copley Lane Junction - 2 x volunteers (one on radio, giving advance notice of approach of race) - Graham Martin and John's son's friend

3. Sharp left onto Saxton Main Street. Managed by Rich Houghton and no volunteers needed

We need a marshal at the 90-degree left turn between Points 2 & 3 Coldhill Lane and Copley Lane junction (Tim Jackson to do) and (ideally) a couple patrolling Saxton village (Only have Max doing this at present....but that’s ok...just jog up and down the Main Street ;)

Graham - (if he can get back from his marshalling post as he suggests!)

Have fun :D
by Melly Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:43 pm
I dont post very often on here now unless im replying to a posting for a request with help at Road Races, as im no longer a member, I don't think I retain the privilege. I dont know where to even start with this one, but well done to Nigel and the team for putting on a hugely successful and well supported round of the NYRR Series event tonight that went thankfully without incedent !! As for Clifton CC Members, yes all of you, Shame on you !! Organiser ? (Yes I know its swapped from Sunday, so what's the difference !!) Not a member !! Several marshals, not members or even riders, well done and thank you to John's sons, a job well done , 50% of the essential drivers, not members the other 50% gave up their rides so the event could go ahead, a shocking state of affairs for a club that discussed being "worried" about an exponential increase in membership due to the rise in cycling boom when I was a committee member!! I guess this may well get deleted by admins, but honestly "members" you all really need to take a look in the mirror, I appreciate there was another event taking place that night but how many participated 20-30 lets be honest its a shocking reflection on the club !!! sorry rant over, just an honest observer/ex member/ex committee member observation. Oh and yes im helping out on Sunday ARE YOU ??
by mart66 Fri Jun 26, 2015 7:52 am
Well done Nigel and all that helped. Sounds as though it was a success.

This was a bit of a struggle due to various issues but looks like we got there in the end.

I see these 'we are a club of X members' quotes quite often but I think, in reality, people that race have got to be quite self-sufficient. I don't think we can expect members that enjoy the occassional 10:00am ride to give up their Thursday night so that we can have our fun.


by PhilBixby Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:03 pm
Full marks to Nigel, Mart and Cam, who collectively got yesterday evening's race to happen. I was driving the Comm2 car - the one just in front of the bunch - and it was terrific fun thanks to the combination of Pam Clay shaking the wax from my ears and nearly getting the lead riders up my tailpipe when oncoming traffic got in the way. I thoroughly recommend it as a must-do driving experience for anyone with a BC licence!

I take Mart's point but have a lot of sympathy with Melly's broadside. Bit of both, is how I see it. Yes, all racers need to put something back in - if you've ridden a couple of races, it's time to marshal/drive/organise one, otherwise you'll find they just don't happen. But they're fun events and a great way for non-racing cyclists to see racing close up and feel part of what makes a club special. Clifton's always been about trying to widen horizons and get members to make use of the breadth of the club's activities to experience different aspects of cycling, and helping at a race is part of that. And you get afternoon tea at Your Bike Shed for you and your Plus One. We really shouldn't have to be pulling our hair (I wish!) out, nor should Dave Short be having to plead for SPOCO helpers. Clifton does have a problem that many other smaller clubs don't seem to have.
by Dr Dave Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:33 pm
The issue about volunteer apathy is a perennial one. The Clfton is a strange club in that it has minimal cohesiveness that I have experienced. It is more like a collection of clubs within a club with very little 'cross-fertilisation' or connection between the various groups. Road racers train and race, Saturday riders ride on Saturday, many Spoco riders just do the TTs, the Sunday club run riders do their thing, the Go-ride section is pretty disconnected from the rest of the club. I don't think many social riders on Saturdays feel much affinity with the road racers - certainly not enough to give up their time to marshal. Neither do the road racers frequent the social rides with any regularity. I haven't seen anyone from the 8:45 since I stopped doing them months ago....

This isn't a complaint - it's just how it is. Without a shared sense of belonging to the wider club and not to the individual cliques things won't change.......

Keep pedalling!
by Melly Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:46 pm
mart66 wrote: I think, in reality, people that race have got to be quite self-sufficient. I don't think we can expect members that enjoy the occassional 10:00am ride to give up their Thursday night so that we can have our fun.



Sorry mart66 but ive got to really disagree with you here, every other club who has hosted one of these 8 events has fully supported their own event with their own people even the very small ones, the club with the largest membership by hundreds has failed, its a sharp contrast to the others who have!!! I hate time trials with a passion, ive helped out at Clifton time trials !! when it appeared a cancellation was inevitable, its time the club re evaluated its self and its direction ! Edit Added after: its not their Thursday nights its 2 a year, where were all the Time Trialers I pushed off when their events were about to be cancelled due to lack of help ??? They certainly were not at the Road Race !!
by like my bike Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:02 pm
just read this post from Dr Dave, quite frankly it makes my blood boil, I have sat on the club committee for 10 years, and have never received so many negative comments from certain members of the committee over the last 2 especially regarding Go Ride ! Get a grip people ! - Go ride is disconnected from the club.... give me a break they all ride in the same strip and are paying members of the main club.

Stop being negative or let others take over, so all the kids that turn up twice a week to ride at clifton sessions in their jerseys are part of the club!

''Sunday club run riders do their thing, the Go-ride section is pretty disconnected from the rest of the club. I don't think many social riders on Saturdays feel much affinity with the road racers - certainly not enough to give up their time to marshal. Neither do the road racers frequent the social rides with any regularity. I haven't seen anyone from the 8:45 since I stopped doing them months ago....

This isn't a complaint - it's just how it is. Without a shared sense of belonging to the wider club and not to the individual cliques things won't change.......

by Melly Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:16 pm
My last post !!! *unless im replying to help at events" I just want to expand on the great opportunities you can get into just by getting involved at grass roots level like I have, I started riding a bike after several aviation close calls, none my fault I might add and I dont want to star on Helicopter Heroes again, after 2 life threatening experiences I sold my aircraft !!. For anyone thinking about getting into either riding or organizing road racing, do so, its hugely rewarding, Ive only been involved riding races (oh and yes I did get 1 BC point Haha) and driving for 4 years years but believe me its very satisfying to be involved in
. Wednesday 1st July, my 48th Birthday sees me driving a sponser provided car at Otley Town Centre Crits, my 2nd of the year having being asked to drive for BC in the Womens Tour De Yorkshire, an experience ill never forget. To drive on such a prestigious event as Otley and the TdY is staggering for me after such a short apprenticeship, like York on closed roads at 70 mph is simply beyond belief. Any Clifton member could soon get to that position and be invited to be involved at some of the seriously best events that occur in our area, in fact in the UK !!!

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