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by Cam B Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:54 pm
Good ride last week in group. Despite suffering the indignity of being passed by the second group after...ooh... about 30 mins :shock: (but that's's not a "race" :) ) ...we continued to go steady and sensible averaging about 18.5 for the route.

This Saturday...lets do the ‘East’ route.

Meet at Exhibition Square for 9.00 am start

Head to Malton via the Buttercrambe Road, Coneysthorpe, Terrington, Sherriff Hutton, then a loop of the Sheriff/Stillington circuit, then back to York.

Forecast at the moment looks like it will be dry and 8 – 9 degrees
by mart66 Thu Nov 27, 2014 7:33 am
Yeah - I had the feeling we were going a bit too quickly. On the flat it was ok but up the hills it was a bit much. Ended up with a few sitting on so I think we need to pace ourselves a bit better next time. Especially going east.

Still a good ride. Good to see RichT on the front and ramping up the pace on the way back into York.
by mart66 Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:19 pm
Hi All
I might be a running a bit late tomorrow. If the last group off could hang on for a few extra minutes it would be much appreciated.


by Jess Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:05 pm
Quite a few in the square this morning - second group for me. Nice to see some old faces!
Not sure what the stats were, sorry as my garmin threw in the towel, but I think this was a really good paced ride - steady away, room to breathe and chat, but still a hard enough work out for me, nothing crazy on the hills, but about spot on for this time of year.

Thanks guys, in particular Martin and Ed, who did most of the pace setting and Alex for the ride and chat back into town. An enjoyable morning aside from the Belgian tan and mud covered summer bike.
The only downer is that I used all the hot water cleaning the carbon and my shower was cold!
by Cam B Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:48 pm
Getting used to this relatively mild weather....Bike v. mucky though! I was in first group. Our numbers swelled to 7 when we picked up Rich Sharpe on route. Always tricky to keep things together on this lumpy (ish) route but - with the occasional need to regroup after a tough bit - we managed it and another solid/even-paced (so tempting to use the word "steady" but I will resist :?) ride in the legs for everyone I hope. Lewis from California was back for more this week after his ride was cut short last week. He’s back to the 'Sunny State' next week ..jammy s*d .. but we look forward to seeing him again when he returns in the summer. A few of our group were coming back from injury and easing their way back to full fitness which meant long turns at the front for Rich, Andy and I...which is fine by me...all good training, etc :D . It did seem to be a large group that went past us on the way to Coneythorpe and hope everyone in that group felt that they got enough turns at the front to make it a decent training ride for them. I have shied away from splitting the groups by giving people numbers wants to be treated like children (apart from.. ahem...children...On second thoughts most children don’t want to be treated like children really :shock: ) but we’ll try and make it more equitable next week in terms of group size and factoring in those who need to sit in the wheels those who don’t. See you next week :)
by mart66 Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:07 am
The second group contained all the late comers - thanks for hanging on guys!

We were a big group but good riding from everyone, short turns and no heroics on the hills. We managed to keep the group together quite well.

A lap of the sheriff/Stillington circuit allowed the strong lads to stretch their legs a bit. So I hope everyone got what they wanted from it.



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