Clifton CC Discussion Board

The place to discuss racing and training.

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by PhilBixby Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:37 am
It's the end of the road race season and so it's the time of year for reflection, a bit of forward planning, and beer.

If I start off by asking "which dates are good for people" it'll be December before we have consensus, so I'm simply going to suggest 7:30pm on Tuesday 30th October at Brigantes. All welcome, and by "all" I mean anyone who did any racing this year, or is thinking of doing some next year, or is keen to otherwise get involved and help out at events, is planning on doing the club training rides, or whatever.

Just to get this out in the open, I promise not to use the opportunity to press-gang anyone into taking on the Racing Secretary job. However, it would be really good if people could have a think about next year's races and who's happy to organise one of them. Also, I've had a couple of people suggest that the Racing Secretary job might be (even) more attractive if it were split up into two or more jobs - I'd appreciate any thoughts on the detail of how this might work.

Be there!
by Cam B Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:56 pm
Ever the pedant....30th Oct is a Thursday not a Tuesday....If it's on this date it's in my diary and I hope to be there :D
by PhilBixby Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:33 am
Well spotted, Cam. B****r!!

I had, in fact, meant Tuesday 30th Sept but since that's today - which makes it rather short notice for people to rearrange their social diary, hire a suit, etc, let's agree it's not tonight. 30th Oct looks a long way off though so how about next Tuesday, 7th of (checks calendar twice) October, 7:30pm at Brigantes? The blanket of miraculous healing will probably have descended over my race season by 30th Oct and I'll have no recollection of nuttin'.
by JohnS Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:00 pm
Well as I was struggling with both the 30th Sept and 30th Oct the revised date of Tuesday 7th Oct actually suits rather well!

I'll be there! As well as the business side anyone fancy a curry across the road afterwards as per last year?

Best regards

by PhilBixby Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:07 pm
Excellent idea - in fact maybe a bit earlier at the pub (7pm?) to allow hitting the curry before rumbling guts get too deafening?
by DamianE Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:54 am
I've checked with the wife. Apparently I have to have my birthday meal with the family so won't be there, sorry guys! :shock:

Whisper it quietly, but keen to know about this V.E.T. Racing some of you do, seems I will be eligible from now on...
by PhilBixby Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:43 am
I'm sorry Damian, YOU'LL HAVE TO SPEAK UP AS WE'RE ALL OVER 40! :wink: Happy birthday!
by DamianE Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:49 am
Oh cr@p, so I've only got a week of hearing left! This gets worse... :twisted:
by mart66 Fri Oct 03, 2014 12:25 pm
So that's next Tuesday? 7pm?

I can do it (I think).

by Cam B Wed Oct 08, 2014 6:26 pm
Good meeting last night. Phil, Andy, Muzzy, Martin, Richard, Dave C, Rich, John and I met to reflect on the races the club organised last season , what races we plan to do next season and the format of future training rides...... In summary then:

Races we do

We thought that the races had gone well with the NYERRL being popular overall. We organise two out of a series of 8. We also had the Clifton RR day in June comprising the LVRC race and the 2/3/4 race at the Sherriff/Stillington circuit. Equally, this proved as popular as ever.

We thought that the format for the NYERRL should remain unchanged and it sounds like our partners i.e. Malton Wheelers, York Cycleworks et al are up for a repeat.

Noted that, if we have the Clifton Race day at Sherriff Hutton again, there’s the opportunity to perhaps use the Bulmer’s a bit harder and more “selective”.

We need organisers for the 4 events so if we could have some nominees? The NYERRL runs on Thu night. There several people in the Club who have organise races and I’m sure would all say it’s fairly easy to do, rewarding and good fun! There’s plenty of us who can offer advice.

Once we have our Organisers we can think about how the calendar will look next season

Each race requires a number of volunteers – marshals, drivers. Equally, this is good fun and you can pat yourself on the back for helping to develop the grass roots of the sport. We have some discussion has to how we can make the role of volunteering even more attractive than it currently is (if that’s possible!!) so we will have a think about that one :D

There will be a York City Centre Race(s) next season which York Cycleworks are looking to organise.

Training Rides

Agreed that the current format, i.e. a 3 hour STEADY - and we mean STEADY (just like the Eskimos have 17 different words for ‘snow’...similarly ...we have at least 17 different meaning for the word ‘steady’ ) - ride on a Sat. morning... seems to work well. We noted that we should aim to keep the groups down to 8 max. so workload and therefore training benefits are spread equally across the group. We plan to start the training rides on 18th Oct. and will post something nearer the time. We will keep to the 4 established routes that we have used in recent years. As before, these rides are aimed at riders who want to race next season.

There some discussion about perhaps looking at a group indoor turbo session. Richard will explore this at the Uni.

Please feel free (anyone who was there last night) to amend anything or add anything I’ve omitted. My memory’s a little fuzzy...I shouldn’t have had that second pint! Sorry, I couldn’t join you for the curry. :D

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