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by PhilBixby Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:04 am
...which I think basically comprised the old blokes turning up at the East Coast vets race at Burton Fleming - traditional end-of-local-season race which has in recent years been part of the national Stallard points series, and hence fairly serious with a challenging circuit and good riders turning up to get points combining to make it a hard day out. I used to be reasonably competitive here until it "went Stallard" but these days my target is to get round in the bunch. If only...

A succession of holidays and work overload had left me with few recent race miles in my legs, and a diet of one-minute intervals got me comfortably through my last BC race but failed me here. I was shelled out on the third time up the main hill when the bloke in front nearly took my wheel from under me, and simply having my rhythm broken was enough to have me nearly grind to a halt. As is often the case, the box of tricks offered up an explanation when I got home and peered at the data:- the main hill takes the bunch six minutes from very bottom to top. On the second, steady, ascent of it my HR hit the highest number I've seen all year just as we crested the top. Third time up, with lots of attacks off the front, it hit the same number two minutes from the bottom, and it was game over a minute or so later.

How did the rest of the Clifton contingent get on? It was hugely entertaining watching the newly-parental RichD wandering around the HQ car park yawning theatrically, but both he and Muzzy looked safe enough in the 40-49's bunch as MarkD towed them up the hill for the fourth time!
by paulM Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:04 pm
Yep A's and B's race for me and I've reached a worrying stage now that I'm not even with the young Vets! I've had mixed results on this circuit at both BC and LVRC events usually dependant on the strength of the wind. It is quite exposed and prone to crosswinds and although Sunday wasnt particularly windy it still felt it. This is a great circuit - probably the safest circuit I've ridden - decent surface wide roads, little traffic but still hard enough for a selection. The climb out of Burton Fleming through the finish has a steady gradient but just seems to go on & on - a real strongmans climb just heaving a big ring gear round. Thankfully the vets race doesnt finish at the top but halfway up. It was a headwind up there which favours sheltering in the bunch for the seven times we had to race up it. Unfortunately as this is a Stallard series event there wasnt one, just a dozen big hitters and few locals out for a kicking. I think there were less than 20 in our race so it was just like being in a race long break for two and a half hours with no one working together although I didnt see anyone getting smacked (wasnt the Vuelta fantastic telly!). I must thank Mark and Rich for doing a huge amount of work and which allowed me to ride away for a lap on my own on the penultimate lap. There were already a couple of guys away and although I had them in sight I was never likely to get across to them. Even so I took my chance and just got my head down. But I could have really done with some company getting caught at the top of the last time up the climb but I managed to insert myself back in the line of riders and came in 9th in the race and 6th "B" Not too disappointed with that.
by Andy Tannahill Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:57 pm
I have part sponsored and helped at this race for many years. I was marshalling at Fordon crossroads. With a tailwind down that stretch it was very fast when they passed me. An excellent race, and well done to all the Clifton members who took part. £750 of prizes last weekend. A very worthwhile race to enter. One to consider for the future......
Andy Tannahill

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