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by Melly Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:21 pm
Congratulations to John Savage for winning the final round of the well supported Race series, a really great ride from my position of driving Com1, Well done fella :D
by PhilBixby Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:26 am
Well done indeed John - he'd had a few other goes during the race but while everything else got pulled back, his final escape went unnoticed and stayed away. Full marks to AndyM too for spending a lot of time up front and having a few good goes. Lastly, full marks to Fraz for a well-organised race - loads of marshals in the two villages which made a real difference - definitely the way to make the Escrick circuit work properly.

I enjoyed it lots - after being unceremoniously dumped early on at Kirby I'd spent the last fortnight doing one-minute intervals to beef me up during those oooo-errr moments, and whether or not due to them I was comfortable enough to spend much of the race in the front dozen or so, which felt a lot safer than dodging wheels back in the bunch. From the end of the neutralised start it was 1hr41min at 26mph and (for me) 245W, so not exactly dawdling.
by JohnS Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:54 pm
Thanks everyone!

Must say I was thrilled. Still walking on air today. :D :D

Almost didn't ride yesterday but thought it was the last NYERRL and it would be good to have done the whole series. I think my comment to Andy earlier in the week was "we'll ride round together for 3 laps and have a sprint at the end!". Didn't quite turn out like that.

Seemed reasonably spirited from the off. I had a go early on after a 2 or 3 went up the road. Attacked and worked to get across to the 3rd man up the road but the bunch came back to us pretty quickly. Absolutely buried myself to get across to a group that had formed on lap 2 and looked dangerous. Just after I got on everyone sat up and the bunch came back to us.

Into the last lap I attacked into Wheldrake just at the top of the little rise into the village. Initially I just wanted to get to the front through the village but no one reacted! Saw I had a gap and thought "well lets see what happens" and put my head down and went into TT mode. There was a guy from Malton just up the road who had gone ealier and I worked to get up to him. At this point I couldn't see the bunch so I just put a couple of massive turns in. After being caught by the bunch in the last km a few weeks back I just wanted to stay away. Must say I felt strong and just concentrated on keeping the speed up.

Once we got to the village I started to think we could do it. At 400 yards I just hammered it and sprinted at 200 keeping an eye on the Malton lad to see if he tried to come round. He couldn't and I I took the win.

My first road race win!

Great to win and from a break as well. Felt even better to hold off the bunch on a course that usually sees a bunch sprint!

Great to see Phil mixing it with the youngsters again :wink: and another good classy ride from Andy.

Thanks again all

See some of you tomorrow when you can put me back in my place!

by AndyM Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:31 pm
Well done again John!! Fantastic ride, and the best way to win, keeping the bunch at bay. Jens Voigt would be proud :lol:

For me, the race went okay and I rather enjoyed it. I got into three little breaks, the first of which had some serious fire power but no-one seemed to want to commit which was frustrating. Just before the bell I decided to just try and try and try again to get away feeling that eventually people might get bored of chasing me, but nope! Finished at the top end of the bunch in the sprint, just outside the points. 292W and 26.1mph for me, with a nice ride out and home making it just short of 80 miles in 3 hours 50 mins.
by RichardD Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:33 am
Congratulations John. Good to hear that all the training can pay off once and a while, and nice for a fellow 'mature' rider to stick it to the 20 year olds! (no offence AndyM)
by IanH Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:20 pm
Great result John, well done.

Ian H.

Are we there yet
by timj Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:53 pm
Sorry its late John been away,but great riding and well done

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