Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by Cam B Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:28 am
I can see if I can get the car for the night so I can drive if that would help? Might be easier to get someone to volunteer to marshall.
by Sharpy Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:38 am
Might be worth just putting up who is down to do what? I just quickly went through and struggled to reconcile what people are down to do what and what extra bodies are needed.

It looked at one point you needed 2 more then 2 more volunteered but more were still needed.... So needless to say i am confused about the remaining neediness of volunteers for the event. :D
by mart66 Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:15 pm
Ok - prepare for the fog of confusion to be lifted...

Drivers - Damian, Nigel, Melly and Dave C
Marshalls - Cam, AndyT, Dr Dave and Duncan
Signing on - Thomas

So we need at least a couple of people at the finish line to do lap count, judge the finish and sort out the results. Not a bad job - you get to use a camera and a stop watch I think. You might even get to the ring the bell for the last lap. Someone must be tempted!


by Kobald Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:55 pm

I'm happy to come and help - any of the jobs OK with me.


Neil K
by SueP Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:13 am
I can help if you are desperate but I'll need to arrange a babysitter as hubby is racing. Please can you let me know if you get that desperate?
by Dr Dave Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:33 am
Can someone advise on where we need to be and when? Thanks

Keep pedalling!
by IanH Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:45 pm
I can Marshall on this one. Edit.
Sorry offered to Marshall not realising there was a page two and all the Marshall points had been allocated

Ian H

Are we there yet
by PhilBixby Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:48 am
Entirely up to Martin as organiser but I'd have thought you could be of major use red-flagging the blind bend near Stillington until the race goes through on the last lap and then nipping back to the finish to do camera/judging...
by G. Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:38 am
The earliest I can get to York station is half past 6, after which I'll be cycling unless anyone can give me a lift. I'm happy to help if that won't be too late - where and when do you need volunteers?
by mart66 Fri Apr 18, 2014 3:26 pm
Marvellous stuff.

Thanks to everyone that has volunteered.

So final roles:

Drivers - Damian, Nigel, Melly and Dave C
Marshalls - Cam, AndyT, Dr Dave and Duncan
Signing on - Thomas
Finish line - Neil, Greg (should get there in plenty of time)
Red flag man - Ian (and if, as Phil suggest, you could dash over to the finish after the last lap it would be a great help).

SueP - thanks for the offer but no need to hire that babysitter.

Is everyone ok with that?

Race HQ is Sheriff Hutton village hall, YO60 6ST. If we could meet there for around 6 it should give everyone enough time to be briefed and in position.

Any problems drop me a line.


by G. Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:47 pm
Excellent. Since I shan't be at the briefing, drop me a line and tell me what to do. I'm 07799 023760 and gcr dot melia at gmail dot com
by IanH Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:56 pm
Thats ok, see you there.

Ian H

Are we there yet
by mart66 Thu May 01, 2014 10:08 pm
Massive thanks to everyone who helped out tonight (and in the last few weeks).

I think we all did a great job as it was quite a tricky circuit.

Good to see those racing in Clifton jerseys didn't let us down.

Thanks again.

by Sharpy Fri May 02, 2014 6:47 am
Mart, it was very well organised. Glad to be able to get a ride so thanks for that as well.

Clifton were out in force and riding well, good to see.

Next time the finish line needs to be closer to where I start my sprint....

Looking forward to the next one!

Again great work by Mart / Clifton and the team a brilliant race on a great little course,


by JohnS Fri May 02, 2014 7:11 am
I'd just like to add my thanks to Marty and all the volunteers who turned out to drive, marshal, sign-on and generally help put on last nights race. It wouldn't have happened without so thanks again.

Great event, which from a riders perspective, went very smoothly. Great course as well which seemed to have a little of everything!

Well done all and thanks again


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