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by mart66 Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:54 am
Roll up, roll up...

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this historical event.

Help is needed for the 1st race in the NYERRL at Stillington/Sheriff Hutton.


- 4 drivers, all with BC licenses;
- 4 marshals (tbc by R Houghton);
- 2 people to help with signing on; and
- a couple or so at the finish line.

Please reply to this thread if you can help out.

All help is very much appreciated.


by duncsleigh Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:32 am
I am happy to help out at this. I don't have a BC licence or a car so can't offer to be a driver but can do anything else required.

by mart66 Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:00 pm
Thank you to Dave and Duncan.

That's the first driver and marshal sorted.

Still needed:
3 drivers
3 marshals
2 for sign in
2 at finish

All help appreciated

by Thomas Dickinson Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:25 pm
I was hoping to sign up for this one but the last few places look to have just gone! I'd be happy to help with signing on at the start. Haven't done it before so would need supervision!

Thanks, Thomas.
by DamianE Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:14 pm
I've made the same mistake, waited too long. So I guess you have another volunteer :D

Prefer something car based in case of bad weather ;-)
by mart66 Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:06 pm
Thanks to everyone who has volunteered for this so far.

So, we have:

2 Drivers - Dave C and Damian
3 Marshalls - Cam, Andy T, Duncan
1 sign-oner - Thomas

We definitely need:

2 more drivers
1 more marshall
A couple of bodies at the finish

So, don't think you've missed out because the start list is full, you can still take part...


by mart66 Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:47 pm

We are now less than a month away from this race and we haven't got enough support to ensure that it's going to go ahead.

Melly has volunteered himself as an additional driver, but apart from that we're no further forward.

So we need:

1 more driver;
1 more marshall; and
at least a couple of people at the finish line.

Can we spread the word and see if we can drum up a few more helpers?


by nigelt Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:40 pm
I was also hoping to race but left it too late.

Happy to drive. I have a BC licence Martin.

Just a thought- if you can get enough helpers it would be useful to have someone waving a flag at the right- handler in Farlington. We were approaching it in excess of 50kph yesterday and at that speed a bunch meeting an unsuspecting oncoming car doesn't bear thinking about...
by Dr Dave Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:39 pm
Unless something unexpected occurs I should be able to help.

Keep pedalling!
by mart66 Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:25 pm
Thanks to everyone who's volunteered so far.

We still need more help! By my estimate we need at least two more bodies just to have the bare minimum. Please spread the word. I haven't really thought of a contingency plan as I was confident that we had enough willing helpers within our race section.

I suppose, worst case scenario, we'll have to cancel. Let's hope there's no need for that.


by AndyM Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:44 pm
For all those budding volunteers out there, the race is on the evening of May 1st.

Come on, you know you want too! :)
by PhilBixby Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:32 am
C'mon folks! Martin's stuck his hand up to do the lion's share of the work and stress, it just needs a few people to put one evening into it. I drove lead car at both our evening races last year and it's good fun. You see the race close up, and get a buzz from being part of a well-organised team. The BC commissaire crew are fun to work with, and so too are Rich and the traffic management blokes. Give it a go!

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