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by PhilBixby Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:34 pm
Down to the Tom Simpson Memorial vets race at his hometown of Harworth. Sadly road layout changes have scuppered the original and pretty good long circuit, and the start sheet showed a rather odd figure-of-eight arrangement with traffic management linking two shorter regularly-used circuits and shortened race distances. In the event even this was too problematic and we used the short-ish circuit south of Harworth, with the distances further reduced to try to stop the race eating its own tail. Even at between 30-40 miles the 40-49's caught the over-60's, leading to a messy finish, and the 50-59's caught them just afterwards, when they nearly wiped a few of us out by peeling off across a junction on their way back to HQ.

The C/D (50-59) race was a strange thing - a sort of extended phoney war where everyone kept expecting something to happen, but it didn't. The wind direction and short lap made it very hard to get away, and the few attempts were quickly neutralised, until a small group slipped off with a couple of laps to go and no response. (I can't grumble since I didn't have a go, but with a race stuffed with big hitters you kind of expect to be responding rather than making the first move). The uphill sprint was safe enough anyway, although envelopes with tenners don't extend down to twentieth! Neatly:- 24.8mph and 248W.
by timj Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:41 pm
Tom Simpson for me as well.A good big field for a/b race which I got to be 45 miles. At the start line RichD was on hand to advise me on which riders to watch from the off.It was good as two of them went straight away,I was straight on it and was feeling pretty good covering most attacks and having a go myself.There was a bit of a drag on the course and after 12 times up it itfelt a bit bigger !3got away with a few to go and I felt that I could have made it to them before they got to far but that is what happens.Ended up sprinting up the hill with the group well placed but died with the line in sight.Felt like the pace was pretty high with a lot of attacks by some strong riders so I suppose I am ok with my race finish and judging by my breathing after the line there was not a lot left in there.Good to have Davec back with a number and from what he said he enjoyed his race.Good day cheers

by dave c Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:49 pm
2nd race of the season for me. Lvrc Tom Simpson as Tim, Phil, Andy and Richard but only one in EFGH race.

Went pretty well, tried to bridge the lone attacker(who went on to win) but didn't make it. Had a bit of time on front, 2 more went and nobody else seemed to want to work to pull them back so rest of us ended up with sprint. Finished in the middle. Enjoyed it. Must do better next time! Dave

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