Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by mart66 Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:04 pm
Any chance of grabbing a lift with someone going up to the race on Thursday? Can get to anywhere in York or surrounding parts.



by DamianE Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:50 pm
Martin, I can get you in, leaving from Bish. Think you've still got my number?

by Antlazarus Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:19 pm
I'm hoping to enter on the line. Is anyone I could hitch a ride with? Again I can get to anywhere around York.


by DamianE Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:40 am
Rack fits 3 bikes. Squeeze in! Send me a PM if interested.

by JacobBrown Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:34 pm
well done for this evening guys :) great fun and was brilliant to see so many red&black jerseys.
by timj Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:38 am
Hi all Well done Cam and Damien for placing last night.The Kirby misperton course was as always a bit blustery and rough in places but generally a good course with a couple of climbs to break it up.I think we (Clifton)did everything we could to get something going but it was not going to happen.Tried to keep the pace up riding at the front but the wind at the top of the second climb put most people off pushing on.Cam had a couple of good efforts to make a break as did Damien but the best was saved til last by Jacob who almost stayed away on the last lap after getting a good gap but got swallowed up in the last kilo.chapeau.Got on a good wheel for the sprint up the hill and ended up top 15 I think but should have been in top 10 really just missed the jump by a second or two and that was the differance.Enjoyed the race and thanks Damien for a bit of advice.Well done to the organisers at Malton Wheelers.cheers 34 miles @24.3mph.A crash took out a couple of our riders at at the end but I think everyone was just about ok.Good to see RichD back after a tumble the other week.cheers

by Paul W Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:06 am
Hats off to you all.was good to see red shirts near the front for the entire race.

by PhilBixby Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:51 am
Again I rather lost count but I think there were about a dozen or so of us in there - some in disguise! Despite the potholes it's a good circuit, and full marks to Maffers and co for marking as many hazards as they could. There were a few goes at getting away - most of them with one of our lot in them - but nothing stuck. The crash at the bell was spectacular with riders coming down across the full width of road; I was just behind it and it was pure luck that there was a me-sized gap in the tumbling bikes and bodies, and a bit of a chase got me back in the bunch. Too far back on the run-in, and too worried about a repeat of the previous lap; followed Tim over the line. 260W average, and big changes in pace, so a proper race.

by DamianE Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:38 am
Good racing by Clifton last night! I saw most of you @ or off the front at one time or another and that's what it's all about.

Spoke to several before, during and after to try and help out, hope it helps. If you build on from last night you can certainly get some top 3 or wins in this series. Fitness wise, most of you are in the top 10 % of ability I would say. Harder races will suit you.

One other thing. When a Clifton rider is away, FOLLOW. If he gets caught, ATTACK. Straightaway, don't let everyone get their breath back. Like I did, only I'm not as fit as you :twisted:

See you at the next one. Don't all follow me ;-)

by Cam B Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:03 pm
DamianE wrote:Spoke to several before, during and after to try and help out, hope it helps.

I may look like an old/experienced hand but still consider myself a novice in terms of how to actually race...Unfortunately I am a slow learner! So, thanks Damien, definitely helps...Can you be our "Road Captain" next time ('Honary"...of course :wink:)

Great ride by Jacob last night. I think we were all willing you to stay away. It certainly helped me in the sprint since I was able to sit in while others at the front dithered about when to start chasing you down. I was on the right side of the carnage at the bell luckily. Got an excellent lead out from a guy in Rock Racing so couldn't believe my luck. Probably went a shade late in the end but easily my best sprint in a race so can't complain. Came 6th in the end.

Thanks to Maffers (aka the "Malton Fairy") and the crew for putting on a great race once again :D

by DamianE Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:05 pm
Hey Cam, I don't mind helping but I've promised myself a win again so there may be a slight conflict of interest :lol:

Maybe we can strike a deal though, I've got one in particular in mind :wink: [/quote]

by mart66 Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:36 pm
Well done Cam and Damian.

We looked pretty strong last night and always seemed to have a few guys at the front. I'm surprised that we didn't have one or two more in the top ten.

I got caught up in the crash. It seemed to start on the left and then spread across the whole road. I thought I was going to make it but the next thing I knew I was lying is some long grass and covered in energy drink.

I jumped back on my bike and tried to chase but then realised the chain was off and my bars were twisted. By the time I'd sorted that out it was race over for sure.

Shame 'cos I was enjoying the race and felt pretty good. It also meant that I didn't get to witness Jacob's bit for glory which I would have loved to have seen!


by AndyM Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:19 pm
Well done everyone on a strong ride. Everyone was looking very spritely at the head of the bunch - good to see a Clifton rider in every move.

Really enjoyed that course, and that finishing hill with a tailwind was great. Loved sprinting up there on the first couple of laps. Was a big shame to end the race early after a detour to the ditch (somehow I managed to travel such a distance that I went right over the wide verge and into the ditch under the hedge :shock: ). Was lucky to have a soft landing though, and the good news is that my wrist isn't broken, just swollen and bruised. Shame the bunch seemed so nervous.

On the plus side, was great to watch Damian and Cam gunning towards the line for some good points in the sprint (well done guys!) and congrats to Andrew Windrum for the win!

Well done again to everyone else for a solid ride - sometime soon there'll be a rider in red and black crossing the line with their hands in the air.

by mart66 Sat Jun 15, 2013 5:42 am
Forgot to say - massive well done to ANdrew W. I know he's on here under a pseudonym.

Second last time, a winner on Thursday watch out for him lapping the field at the next one.

Some pictures and report:


by leadshoes Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:06 pm
What a good race that was!

I was really impressed with how Clifton performed, particularly good efforts from Tim, Andy, Jacob and Cam. I think some working together to control the front of the race on the last lap would yield some good results.

Andrew aka Leadshoes

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