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Training ride, Saturday 11th Feb

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:24 pm
by PhilBixby
A scan through the Met Office and Metcheck websites gives a fairly downbeat consensus on Saturday - zero degrees or a hint above, and a seriously cold night beforehand, with the possibility - as happened last Saturday - of snow turning up later.

I'm going to suggest the north route again - the roads will be safe and we should all get round in one piece unless it all goes seriously downhill before then (in which case check on Friday night on here). If anyone is so bored that they can't face it then they're welcome to take a group off into the hills but I'll stick with getting the steady miles in.

Assuming the current Siberian blast finally thaws out, I was pondering kicking off some faster Saturday rides - as we did last year - to bridge the gap between brisk paceline riding up the A168 and the extra 4-5mph you'll need in races. Suggestion would be to use the Bishopwood and Wheldrake circuits - which will both be used on the Evening RR league. Ride out, do about 30miles in laps in suitable-sized groups, ride back. Kicking these off on (say) 25th would give four sessions before the local season-starting Seacroft Wheelers RR. Does that sound about right, subject to it warming up a tad?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:45 am
by fatsprinter
First, the bad news. :x It is now forecast for -5 in the night and warming up to -4 at 9am. By mid day it will rise to a heady -1.

Good news is no snow forecast :D Although I like the snow myself.

No precipitation should ensure it is not too icy, so may be promising, although I'll not be out myself. Family duties and all, (a swimming lesson in the morning and skiing in the afternoon).

Although I've already done two sub zero 1hr 45 rides already this week and hoping to do another today, so get out there you bunch of softy southerners (apologies to anyone from down there)(substitute your own synonym to represent a soft person) and toughen up a bit :lol: . (where's Phils Youtube link?). There's no such thing as bad weather anyway. Get out training. You don't want some fatsprinter beating you in races do you? Or is that fastprinter?

Be careful and look after each other.

Re: Training ride, Saturday 11th Feb

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:19 pm
by Cam B
Assuming the current Siberian blast finally thaws out, I was pondering kicking off some faster Saturday rides - as we did last year - to bridge the gap between brisk paceline riding up the A168 and the extra 4-5mph you'll need in races. Suggestion would be to use the Bishopwood and Wheldrake circuits - which will both be used on the Evening RR league. Ride out, do about 30miles in laps in suitable-sized groups, ride back. Kicking these off on (say) 25th would give four sessions before the local season-starting Seacroft Wheelers RR. Does that sound about right, subject to it warming up a tad?[/quote]

Sounds good Phil. Seemed to work well last season

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:24 pm
by fatsprinter
Sounds good to me if I can get permission. They sounded good last year. What time do you go from the square on way out? What route out to Bishopwood and Wheldrake? Does it go on after Seacroft? My first race not until May!

Forecast for Monday is a whole +8. It will feel positively tropical!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:49 pm
by PhilBixby
Departure will be 9:00am from the square as always. Route to Bishopwood will be Cawood via Stillingfleet and gather where Seacroft Wheelers finish line is, to Wheldrake will be out to Naburn and then Moor Lane to Escrick and start from there. We'll work out what people want when we get to the end of March - it'll very much depend who's prepared to take a lead and organise things, as it won't be me!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:38 pm
by paulM
Bishops wood is like the worlds dullest circuit. Its bad enough racing on it never mind training on it by choice! I had a less than memorable experience in that race last year and consequently havent entered this year. Like most of the rest I have got a brace of races on East Yorks circuits in April which will be hard enough circuits for a good sort out!
I dont understand why you arent doing the Malton/Terrington circuit every week now and getting everyone used to stretching themselves a bit on the climbs and then lining out for the last few miles back from Sheriff? Just murder yourself for the last few miles and then your home! Even with the temperatures as they are now you would just need to go out to Stamford bridge instead of going through Upper Helmsley which is a bit slippy?
I'm hoping to make a few Saturdays and should be out tomorrow regardless of weather!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:22 pm
by PhilBixby
Evenin' Muzzy! Have been avoiding Malton / Terrington because whenever we ride it the mix of abilities means we end up riding it in twos and threes, so that people may as well ride it at their own pace when they have a chance rather than waste the opportunity to do a lengthy ride working as a group. Plus I've ridden that route in very cold weather and spent enough time going sideways to want to avoid it with less-experienced riders - I'm sure you or Darren would get round upright but I wouldn't put money on everyone else.

But.. ..that's just my thoughts on it. Want to take a group that way tomorrow? Should be enough people out to give 'em a choice!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:15 pm
by PhilBixby
Well, there was some serious questioning of sanity among those who turned up in a very snowy square this morning. Compacted ice in my cleats meant I couldn't clip in properly, and Tim's bidons were wearing thick walking socks - not that this prevented them from freezing, along with everyone else's drinks, by halfway round the ride.

There were no takers for the hills so we set off on the northerly route in one group of ten. The roads were, as last week, almost completely dry and so despite the temperatures - minus four when we set off - it was at least safe. And with a bit o' sunshine the mercury crept up to zero as we headed north to Boroughbridge (Tim agreed it was, yes, almost pleasant) and we settled into a good, very even pace.

Sadly leaving Boroughbridge we emerged into a very snowy landscape, the sky clouded over and the temperature plunged back down, helped by a chill easterly wind. But the steady effort continued and we got back safely - average speed over 19mph and Normalised power around 205W for the out-of-town bit. Some tired legs due to the cold, and Andy C's face had turned an extraordinary bluey-purple colour. Thaw seems to be forecast for early next week, so with a bit o' luck next Saturday should be better!

training ride

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:05 pm
by timj
As Phil said a very cold morning as i set off from Easingwold to join the ride.One of those days you are praying not to get a puncture.I actually felt ok all morning but a tow back to Huby by Wayne @20plus mph was never going to be turned down.thanks Wayne>
80 bonus miles for me as i really didnt think it would happen today.Good steady riding with no thrills was the order of the day.As was said these cold days are hard work to start but as long as it is safe they usually turn out to be good rides.Anyway it got me a hug to warm me up from my girls when i got home with a "i hope u dont want any sympathy"from Caroline!

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:11 pm
by paulM
Not sure where you got those temperatures Phil - it was still around -4 when we got back? I reckon that was about the coldest continuous ride I've ever done although I've had plenty of occasions where I've been colder for short periods. I was happy to go with the flow at the square and the chosen route just about fitted the bill. Some good, tidy riding by all. But the ride is a bit flat. We were starting to look like statues on the road up to Easingwold and sticking with the route up to Crayke was the best decision we made as the drag up to there was hard but it was the only time I felt my core temperature rise!