Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by PhilBixby Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:47 pm
I've given up putting too much faith in advance weather forecasts but it looks okay for this Saturday - seven degrees, breezy and dry. 9:00am in Exhibition Square for the southerly route (For newcomers:- York - Elvington - Bubwith - Howden - Wressle - North Duffield - Skipwith - Thorganby - Wheldrake - Escrick - Stillingfleet - York).

As per last week's posting, assuming reasonable numbers we'll split into two groups and I'll suggest you all sort yourselves into a faster group and a slightly less fast group. Aim with both groups is to keep a steady pace, but some people are shifting just a bit quicker than others, and this should (hopefully) help keep things a bit more together.

by nigelt Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:14 pm
Not me this week- ramp test on Sunday so I'll be sitting with my feet up :D . Have a good ride, see you next week...

by mart66 Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:58 pm
I'll be there.

I'm hoping that NYE was just a bad day on the bike!

by Tobzlerone Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:03 pm
hey, ill be out, dont really know what happened last week, just the cumulative effect of a few things!

Anyway, ill be looking to boss it with the faster group. don't know how much of a good idea it is, but its a good benchmark to see how i'm improving. if i get dropped then i will last longer the next week. ;) and it should suit some shorter crit racing.

hope thats not too hassly



by DamianE Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:22 pm
Maybe your turn to wait for me this week then :o

More likely to pick the slower group but if I feel good on the 15mph ride from Skelton at 8:55 I'll chance it.....

by fatsprinter Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:39 pm
Time off and illness over Christmas, so whether I'm up to it I don't know, but Lukas' swimming lessons don't start until next week so I'll put in an application for leave at base :wink:

De tijd gaat snel, gebruik hem wel!

by Cyan Skymoos Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:53 pm
I'll be out..I don't remember, do you go straight up Hull road out of town?

These dizzy heads and sudden wobbly legs I've been reading about could just be the hunger knock? A hard 3 hour ride in winter burns some calories. Take some proper food with you and get it down before you need it.

by PhilBixby Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:30 pm
Straight down the Hull Road? Much too simple. Malton Rd - rt at the magic roundabout - next left along Tang Hall Lane - left down Osbaldwick Lane, then right at Murton and rt/lft - rt/lft down the twelve-twenty-eight to Elvington. :roll:

by fatsprinter Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:34 pm
Straight down through Elvington to Melbourne? What time hitting Elvington roughly? I may well come from Bish/Naburn/Wheldrake and turn right to go to Elvington and Melbourne. I won't hold you to it! :o

De tijd gaat snel, gebruik hem wel!

by PhilBixby Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:29 pm
Follow the main B-road right sometime after Elvington towards Bubwith/Howden, rather than on to Melbourne. Dunno about times - about half-nine at Elvington?

by fatsprinter Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:51 am
Gives me something to go on? Do you mean you don't have it downloaded on your Garmin. I'll have to poke Damian and see if he has! :wink: Cheers

De tijd gaat snel, gebruik hem wel!

by DamianE Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:43 pm
Will mail you my last Garmin of the route Col. Shall I come drag you out of bed. ;-)

by fatsprinter Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:27 pm
Would you? Double espresso waiting for you..... maybe not, we don't need you being supercharged!!! :twisted:

De tijd gaat snel, gebruik hem wel!

by DamianE Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:00 pm
If it gets you out, I'll come get you. Makes it 70miles for me so all good. Let me know. Did you get my garmin link?

by TomW Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:38 pm
Very interested in joining this one! How far is the route? Looks about 60 miles? Need to be back in york by 12:30!

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