Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by PhilBixby Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:47 pm
As per a previous posting, I'm assuming that everyone who wants to get some high-speed close-formation riding done is now attending the weekly Tuesday night chain gang, and/or doing some racing! On that basis, I suggest we keep the Saturday rides as steady, brisk, non-stop three-hour-ish rides with a few hills, and forget the pace-line stuff.

Forecast for Saturday - for what it's worth at this distance - is for dry, three degrees (wooohooo, it's like February all over again) and a brisk south-westerly. Given that, I suggest we do the "west" route out to Thorner, Aberford etc. 9am in the square...

by Allan Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:54 pm
Define brisk please :?


--- --- \_ \¬
------ (+) / (+)______ better by bike!

by PhilBixby Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:23 pm
Okay (and I've had comments from others on this, so here goes)...

..."brisk" =

- a pace that the bulk of the people who turn up can maintain for three hours, but you wouldn't want to go much further
- Maintaining concentration so being aware of keeping the effort up all the time, but subtly - no vanishing off the front at high speed
- when you're on the front you put in enough work that you don't want to be there for more than a couple of minutes max. Everyone behind you wants to still be working, not soft-pedalling to avoid running into your back wheel
- keep the effort steady rather than the speed, so keep it steady on the hills (unless you personally really want to hammer it, in which case ease off at the top until you're caught by the rest) and pedal on downhills where poss..

....anyone got any better definitions?

Just to repeat:- I'm assuming that everyone who is racing (yes okay, please don't anyone get going about EYRRL etc... :roll: ) is doing higher-intensity stuff some other time, someplace else and that this ride is about tempo/endurance stuff. If you're not, you'll get a big surprise when the flag drops!

by Dr Dave Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:32 pm
I'm planning to be out on Saturday....

by Jess Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:12 am
I'll be putting my feet up for once in anticipation (dread?) of Skipton Tri on sunday. Really hope my swimming has improved....

by WillK Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:05 pm
I will be joining you Phil as not doing Skipton Tri for the first time in years. Good luck Jess!

by JSimon Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:43 pm
I'm away this weekend unfortunately. Good luck in Skipton Jess!

by Broom Wagon Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:09 pm
I'll be digging the garden, re-hanging a door (torn off hinges), mending broken furniture, shouting at the kids for breaking door and furniture, chasing kids up and down stairs, shouting at kids not to break furniture again, shouting at kids whilst running up and down stairs, shouting at kids to stop climbing on neighbour's car, shouting at kids to stop hitting your brother with that piece of wood - ah a normal relaxing day in the Broomwagon household: in anticipation (dread?) of Scotton 100 on Sunday. Good luck with the Tri Jess, knock 'em dead.

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