Clifton CC Discussion Board

The place to discuss racing and training.

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by PhilBixby Fri May 28, 2010 7:38 am
There will be a training ride on Saturday, 9am prompt roll-out from Exhibition Square. Weather looks a bit on the moist side, although "temperatures are recovering" - hope the same applies to my legs after last night's race. I always reckon it's best to keep the work-rate steady when it's wet so we'll probably do a flat-to-rolling route somewhere unless mutiny leads to hills.

by Jess Fri May 28, 2010 9:05 am
Sadly I won't be able to make it to this week's torture, (sorry - training ride!) as I have a wedding to go to.

Hope your legs have recovered - sounds like a good race last night?

Fingers crossed the weather picks up!
by timj Fri May 28, 2010 5:31 pm
should be there

by PhilBixby Sat May 29, 2010 12:35 pm
Despite the unpromising weather at 9am, a good training ride this morning. A group of seven, including a guest appearance by Graeme from Scotland, who showed his celtic robustness by riding in shorts and rolled-down armwarmers while the rest of us were wrapped up in winter layers. It was pretty wet, but at least the rain was never torrential, and it wasn't too cold. A loop out via Bramham, Thorner, Aberford and back via Cawood mixed some quite stern rolling terrain with a flat run-in at the end. No hanging around; 57 miles in 2hrs 50, ave speed just over 20mph and Normalised Power nudging 240W until we took our collective foot off the gas on the run in to town (and got shouted at by a passing TomF and family).

by MikeG Sat May 29, 2010 1:33 pm
Well I had to dig deep today to hang on as long as possible. I think I'll be climbing back out for the rest of the day!

Thanks for the encouragement and occasional easing back a bit. I think I'll give my mate Floyd a call and see what he reckons I need to do to get that extra 5% ;o)

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