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by David Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:54 pm

I would like some advice on CV training , so in the summer when I hopeful will be cycling everyday I won't get as shattered so easly.

Currently I (at a gym) do 40 mins cycling, 10mins at level 12, 15 mins at level 13 and 15mins at level 14, followed (no breather) by a 5 ish km run on a crosstrained. And I aim to do this at least 4 times a week.

My hr at resting is (well i think it is) 72, and when cycling get to 160 - 180 (180 when pushing at level 14) and when running at about 165 - 170

I also cycling 20k, 10k in morning and 10k in the evening 5 days a week, at a commuting pace so maybe 110 bpm - it take me about 25 mins including locking my bike

So my question is do you think that this routine is a sufficent amount to either keep my cv fitness at the same level - or increase it abit?


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by tomf Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:40 am
Hi David - I'm going to reply cautiously. I guess the 'levels' you mention are the resistance levels on the machine (lifecycle?) in the gym; they don't mean much to the rest of us, except that more is harder!

In answer to your question - is this enough to maintain my cardio-vascular fitness? The answer is pretty much 'yes' - by definition.

If this is the training you do, week in, week out, then you will be maintaining, not increasing, your fitness. If you've just come off a long rest, you'll be increasing your fitness (for a while - after a couple of months of that, the gains would flatten off); conversely if you were riding 10 hours a week before, what you describe won't be enough to maintain the fitness you had. Sorry if that sounds unhelpfully obvious, but I'm just trying to clear the ground, so to speak.

Maybe what you're asking is: "Here's what I do now - how can I change it around to get fitter?" If so, then the next question is: what are you aiming at? (with a nod to JustSweat :wink: )

You say you want to be able to cycle every day in summer and not get shattered; can you fill in a bit more detail - what sort of rides (distance, intensity etc..) and is there a more specific goal (an event, tour or something). Post back and I'm sure some people will volunteer more advice.


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