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by PhilBixby Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:47 am
I'll be busy this weekend so won't be out on Saturday. Please can someone stick their hand up to (i) choose the route, (ii) split the assembled masses into sensible-sized groups and (iii) ensure that someone in each group who looks vaguely sane and knows the route gets designated as "in charge" and is happy to keep the pace appropriate and check that mechanicals / pee stops / broomwagon duties are handled. Ta!
by Sharpy Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:38 pm
I will most likely be recovering from a hangover Saturday and travelling back from Manchester so I wont be out either....
by mart66 Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:53 am
I should be out.

Malton is the route I know best. Looks like Friday's strong winds will drop off by the time we head out but it'll still be a headwind up to Malton. Nice tailwind on the way back though.


by PeteN Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:38 am
Malton is the route I know best as well. I can show the way for a group if need be.
by Cam B Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:10 pm
Quite a few in the square again. I was off in first group of 7. Some initial friskiness on first proper climb but we soon settled down and worked well together. Nice consistent steady pace all the way round. I think these smaller sized groups work well. Easier to keep tabs on everyone and you get more turns at the front. Lovely sunny morning as well. A good ride. Now the science bit! Pete assures me (with the help of his new gadget) that we (or rather he) averaged 250 watts at 19.5 mph.
by Jess Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:41 pm
Second group for me, but selected at random - I don't think it was much steadier! Quite a few strong riders out, but Martin did a Stirling job at keeping everyone together. I was struggling a bit with tired legs from the start, so thanks for holding up for me and making sure we all got round. I elected out of the flat 10 and did an hour solo before returning home. A good solid (courteous) ride , perfect for November - thanks guys! :D
by mart66 Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:59 pm
Another good turnout yesterday. The group was split into two at random and I found myself with about ten or so others in the second group.

It's always difficult keeping the group together on this route, especially at this point in the season, but I think we did pretty well. A few people wanted to test themselves on the hills but we all came back together pretty quickly.

About 7 of us did the flat 10 and the riding was very tidy. Nice and steady with no-one missing a turn or hanging off the back.

Cheers guys


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