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by JacobBrown Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:54 pm
Well done to all the guys for organising today's awesome event! Was good fun and looks like some pretty great riders turned up.
Thankfully there were no crashes despite the poor roads (as far as i know) so well done to the guys riding for holding their own.
I was on my Boardman (training bike) today so found it pretty tough at times. Managed to go off the front with a guy from Hope Factory Racing with less than 1k to go but after i did my pull he came to the front and slowed down so that didn't work out.
Reckoned i placed about 20th, did anyone from Clifton manage a place? Either way well done to everyone, great day.

by mart66 Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:55 am
Good result that Jacob.

I got spat out on the 1st lap! This confirmed that 2/3/4 are way beyond me at the moment.

PaulM may have been up there at the finish but Gavin was out the back as well.

by Paul W Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:12 am
My 1st ever road advised to enter the e/f/g/h lvrc and learn what goes nervous at the start but soon settled in.found myself at the front of the main bunch on many occasions.had Dave C for company.really enjoyed it.great organization and a memorable day. Well done to everyone involved.

by GavinW Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:07 am
That was certainly an experience.

I was introduced to my highest recorded heart rate and that was in the first few miles so there was no way I could stay with the main group.

I note that Julie's race report mentions 50 mph for the first five miles; I didn't record anything in that region but it was certainly 30-34 mph on the flat for a good few miles.
Well done to anyone who managed to stay with the main group.

I headed back to HQ with my tail between my legs :shock:

by nigelt Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:22 am
It was the LVRC A/B race for me. Once again good to see the 4 Clifton Jerseys in our group near the front of the bunch for most of the Race. The race felt hard- lots of stringing out and regrouping but I was pleased that in the main I managed to stay close to the front.

The only incident of note for me was at the start of the final lap when the rider 2 in front of me overshot the corner at Milby and nearly sent the 2 riders in front of me, and me, into the verge. I just managed to stay upright although several riders behind me weren't so lucky, including Tim, who hit the deck hard (but thankfully seemed relatively okay after the finish).

That was it for me, the lost momentum, coupled with lack of fuel (should have taken another gel) saw me completely blow trying to get back into the wheels. I crawled round the last lap with a Ferryhill rider for company- a little disappointing as I had felt pretty good up to that point.

As usual the other guys in Clifton Jerseys looked very strong and a special Chapeau to Tim who clipped off the front with 2 others on the first lap and stayed away right up to the bell.

A big thanks to Phil for organising the morning's activities, and to everyone for putting on another fantastic day of racing which is a credit to the club.

by PhilBixby Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:16 pm
Just a comment re Tim's ride; an old fella pulled up across the road at the finish line having crashed out of the E/F/G/H race ("I crashed last year too - when the missus finds out it'll hurt more than the nettles") and told us his son was in the AB race break along with Tim and the two others. "He's Karl Smith - had a few years off but he did the Milk Race about twenty years back..." That's vets racing for you.... ...full marks, Tim!

by Paul W Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:22 pm
I saw that accident Phil.he was right beside me at the time.hope he's ok.wasn't sure if he landed on the grass or the road.

by dave c Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:09 pm
EFGH race for me, Started off fairly fast, another guy and me went off the front but were caught before the bridge, then settled down, unfortunately missed the break that stuck. We tried to pull it back but there wasn't enough firepower to real it back, got to within 50 metres and then lost ground. I'm surprised alot of these old blokes don't know how to work together.

Well done Paul in your first race. I hope all the riders I saw at the side of the road from the other groups are ok. Are you ok Andy? The guy Paul mentioned hit a pot hole and disappeared into a nettle bed, soft landing but painful!

Enjoyed the race, 3rd in our group but a load up the road and many thanks to the organisers and great food.

by Cyan Skymoos Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:10 pm
Tim did a great ride, again making the race, anyone with a few chaingangs in the legs can follow the wheels in a race. It's getting in the breaks which makes you strong in the long term, and will pay off eventually. Good ride Tim you were in good company up there, and we weren't hanging around behind.
by timj Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:26 pm
Great day of racing well done and thanks all.The a/b race for me and at 55 miles a good distance to get into it.Felt pretty good from the start and at the first rise thought id see if anyone wanted to make a race of it.Got a gap but no one came so kind of sat up but when a rider shot past me I could not hold his wheel and let him go but straight away 2 others came up to me with one being Sean Smith and I thought id have a bit of that thinking only 50 miles to hold out :D .We worked well and got to our leader and started to pull a decent gap.Everyone was putting ina good effort and again thought we could do it.We were shifting and we tried to make it hard for anyone to join us.On the last lap we got caught and they attacked us. 2 of the break went with it and I think one of them won it.I could not follow so when RichD and I tried to bridge it was into the wind and not happening.The bunch caught us and on the last corner as Nigel said I went down with a couple of others.Nothing broken just some RR for the kids to admire and got back on to finish.Thanks again and a credit to the club with the organisation

by paulM Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:13 pm
After committing most of the potholes to memory driving lead car in the C/D race in the morning I was pleased with my ride in the afternoon as it probably isnt the best preparation - a bit of a rush to get back, fed & changed to have a go myself. It was a fast race and that is the very slight difference when riding higher cat races - the speed is higher and fluctuates less - 32 / 33 mph after the right turn onto the circuit and up to Thornton Bridge with a tailwind and it was the same every lap. Had good legs and was moving round the bunch a bit and managed to jump across to a handy looking group going through the finish on the last lap and if we had got organised I might have been ok. But we were caught very quickly. Didn't fancy the bunch finish at the end so just rolled in as had to go in to work for a couple of hours afterwards and didnt fancy going via A&E!
Another excellant Clifton production - well done to Cam & Phil.

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