Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by PhilBixby Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:28 pm
Still no snow forecast, so the Training Ride will be out on Saturday, 9am departure from the square. Assuming it's not biblical downpours (which make it a bit hairy out that way) we'll do the "east" Malton / Terrington route. This is lumpier than the other three so Darren's wise words apply - keep the level of effort even, and hence go steady on the climbs - and that way it'll stay a "group" ride. Assuming big numbers we'll split into two groups but avoid the "vets" and "triathletes" divide by mixing everyone up a bit. :wink:

by nigelt Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:54 am
Hope to be out. No danger of me putting anything more than an 'even' effort, especially on the hills! See you at 9 :D

by Cam B Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:16 pm
Can't make it this Saturday.....Have a good ride

by Tobzlerone Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:28 pm
I Plan to be out.. However I want to Go with whichever group goes first, co I need to be back to help set up for my 18th :) so I may go straight on in stead of doing a lap of the flat 10 dependIng on the time :)


by Broom Wagon Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:16 pm
Phil, be careful I seem to be starting to read your mind, I just knew you were going to suggest the Malton route this week. It's the best route for me as it's the only one of the four which seems to bring about a noticable improvement in my fitness. Unfortunately to get the benefit from it I need a certain level of fitness (or at least not weigh the wrong side of 80kg). As I don't have that fitness I intend to set off at about 9 from my house and head out straight onto the route. I'll let the groups catch and drop me as it 'appens....why have I got all Jimmy Saville all of a sudden?

by PhilBixby Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:57 pm
Clearly some serious resolve this winter as despite leaden skies and a dodgy weather forecast the square was once again full o' cyclists at 9am. Jess once more bravely volunteered to take half of them so a quick pointing session to the sound of one, two, one, two... sorted the groups, and Jess headed off, with our lot following five minutes later.

The Malton route is always a hard one on which to keep a group together but it didn't go badly - a couple off the back here and there, and a puncture to hold us back for a short while when we caught the first group at Malton, but otherwise steady progress. Even a hint of sunshine, although balanced out by the stiff headwind on the return leg. Throwing in a lap of the Flat Ten brought it up to 52 miles on the clock, with the out-of-town bit done at bang on 18mph and (for me) just under 210W. Thanks folks! Oh, and Happy 18th, Toby!

by Jess Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:24 pm
Slightly belated & quick report just to say, good ride this week - group of about 8 of us, good mix of old hands & newer riders - mostly kept in line & on a steady pace up the hills by Tim (thanks Tim!) meaning that we hit Malton as a group & pretty much stayed together on the way back until we did a lap of the 10.

4 of us (Toby, Mike, Rick & self) pushed up the pace a bit & we soon saw Phil's group up ahead. After what was a monumental effort (mostly led by the boys I have to say) we managed to catch them & then enjoyed a much easier larger group ride back to town.

51 miles in total & not feeling too bad given the wind.

Not out next week, any volunteers to pick up a group?

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