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by PhilBixby Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:21 pm
This went out with the e-update a week or so ago but I'm just adding the link on here along with a request to complete the questionnaire and get it back to YSJ if you are at all interested in them providing coaching / sports science / training / testing support.

Intro from YSJ below:-

York St John University, through its specialist YSJActive department is considering developing a sports science support clinic for local performers in all sports. The idea is help local athletes, giving them sports science advice and carrying out performance tests. We have created a survey so we can get to know you and to find out what help you would like to see such a performance clinic provide. We are also looking to run seminars on different aspects of cycling; Power, nutrition, weight training, etc. We would like to know your views on these.

You can get the survey by visiting the Sports Science at St Johns page in the 'Competition - Training' section on this website

by MarkA Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:54 am
I have filled in mine

Anyone else?

I think the more of us who complete the better. Am keen to get something off the ground.

by MikeG Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:48 pm
I've sent mine in

by alispri Wed May 19, 2010 6:22 pm
Is there any further news on this - I really like the idea (and have sent my form off)

Is there any likelihood of lactate etc. occurring?


by PhilBixby Wed May 19, 2010 8:29 pm
Get yourself out on tomorrow night's SPOCO, and lactate's definitely on the cards...

...but seriously, yes. YSJ have gone through the returned questionnaires and what they found was that generally lots of people wanted pretty much whatever was on offer - their problem now is working out what to put on first. As soon as I get any news from John Gray I'll post on here, or alternatively... ...Mark:- d'you fancy giving John an email and seeing if you can steer it forward a bit?

by alispri Wed May 19, 2010 8:56 pm
That's great thanks.

I plan to be going tomorrow night but I have just been cleaning my bike and discovered a spoke that was quite loose. Any chance someone has a spoke key I could borrow? (rear wheel, non-drive side, which I understand isn't that critical?)

by Chris T Thu May 20, 2010 7:20 am
They are all critical, if they weren't they wouldn't be there!

What sort of wheels are they? How many spokes? How loose is it?
If you do get hold of a spoke key don't simply tighten the single spoke right up as you'll probably pull the rim over. Trueing a wheel is an art it takes mechanics lots of time to master. Personally if I were you - check if the wheel is out of true regardless of the spoke tension, if it's currently ok, take the slack out of it, check again, then ride on it and check it again. Afterwards get it trued by a professional - I'm guessing these are the only wheels you possess? However, on a safety note - the roads are full of potholes and this can cause spoke breakages due to incorrect tension or unrepairable buckling of the rim. So while I may ride a wheel with the wrong spoke tension I'm not recommending you should.

If you can't get a spoke key and you still want to try and tighten it - take the tyre/tube/rim tape off and use a screwdriver on the nipple head. But be careful not to overtighten!

by MarkA Fri May 21, 2010 8:48 am
Mark:- d'you fancy giving John an email and seeing if you can steer it forward a bit?

Will do

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