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by lugster77 Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:32 pm
does anybody know of anywhere relatively local that tests for heart rate/power zones etc etc? want some accurate figures and zones to train with using the fancy powertap i've barely used!! found places in stourbridge (£175-£195) and bristol (£105)

by Dr Dave Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:46 pm
If you have a powermeter can you not do a ramp test and 30 mins time trial ride - should be able to get reasonable training zones from these (and it'll cost you nowt!) :)

by PhilBixby Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:54 pm
Hi Andy

I'm in the (extended) process of trying to sort out use of the sports lab facilities at York St.John for Clifton members. They'd be able to do you. Meantime though, just do a full-on 10-mile TT or 20min session on a well-ventilated turbo. Your average power for this should be your FTP plus 5%. Working back from this will give you your training zones (or using WKO+ will sort them out for you automatically!). It's probably more useful than a one-off test as it's repeatable.

by lugster77 Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:41 pm
ah yes forgot wko does all that for you,shows how much i've used it! time to start getting my moneys worth out of this fancy kit i treated myself to! cheers
by Velo coach Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:43 am

In answer to the first question - I am a local based coach and a qualified British Cycling Level 3 Road and Time Trial Coach. All my testing is done using power.

I am localish to York and based on the Yorkshire Wolds. I currently coach riders from XC MTBing to Road disciplines.

My prices are very good - £30 for a 2 hour session. If you need anymore info contact me: -web link updated

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