Clifton CC Discussion Board

Shift that old kit, or those un-wanted presents, or see if anyone else has something you're looking for.

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by PhilBixby Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:07 pm
Having topped up my winter clothing stocks I realised I was risking pulling a muscle squeezing it all into the cupboard, so pulled everything out for the first time ever and sorted it. Aside from stuff I've worn out, there was quite a bit which is basically either unused or little-used, simply because I discovered it didn't really fit me well, or some similar reason. So, please someone, take it off my hands. I don't want anything for it but a fiver per garment (or a tenner for three...) towards The Good Food Shop's charity of choice (the Kasisi orphanage in Zambia) would be much appreciated.
Okay, we've got:
1 short-sleeve three-quarter zip Pearl Izumi Ben & Jerry's jersey, size Medium, baggy fit.
1 pair DeFeet knitted kneewarmers

**** Edited following departure of first happy punter! ****
**** Further edited following departure of happy Damian! ****

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