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by Rob Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:21 pm
Smashing weekend.
What was everyone up to?
Let's hear it!

by MarkA Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:50 pm
Smashing weekend

It was indeed - pretty chilly though
Don't know how the early birds got on starting at 9?
I set off at 11 and any bits sticking out felt pretty cold at first

Pushed on though around my favourite Buttercrambe - Acklam mast - Thixendale - Huggate - Millington route and back through Stamford Bridge

One of the first rides recently where i have been able to keep going through the 3 hour mark and not end up going slower and slower on the way home

by Dr Dave Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:09 pm
Saturday, 10am saw a veritable horde all eagerly awaiting Kevin's instructions. The beautiful day has obviously inspired everyone to get out. Unfazed, our leader already had prepared for this eventuality by preparing 2 routes. Howard was instructed to lead one group - nominally the 'A group' - whilst Kevin took the remainder.
Self-selection saw 4 rebelious souls prepared to foresake Kevin's guardianship and entrust ourseles to Howard's blossoming leadership skills so we left the square trailing in Howard's wake towards a lunchstop at the Crayke cafe via Buttercrambe, Hanging Grimstone (appropriately named!), Birdsall, Malton & Terrington. A lovely ride unfolded inself in the morning sunshine although a couple of icy patches ensured that the concentration levels were maintained. By the time we descended towards the cafe I for one was ready for a rest stop/snack but unfortunately no one had told the cafe we were coming so they didn't bother to open!
No worries, the cafe at Easingwold were happy to provide and a pleasant lunch was taken before we split into 2 for a York East and York West return ride. By the time we got back 76 miles at almost 17mph was registered - no wonder my legs were a little sore on Sunday. Thanks to Howard for leading us round in an efficient Kevinesque style.

by PhilBixby Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:50 pm
I'm not sure if this is why the cafe was closed, but Farmhouse Preserves has gone into receivership, my source in the food trade reports. Could be bad news for Howard's ham and eggs addiction..

Cycling-free weekend here but went walking up above Millington on Sunday - fabulous but cold. No Clifton business cards in the tearooms! Get 'em out there!

by mal Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:08 pm
This cycling lark is testing my resolve this year. A very cold start to get to Sunday's club run (-5 when I left home) wasn't too bad and things got even better with a well shepherded (well done Helen and Bernard), very companionable, group run through Howsham and Leavening to Thixendale. Thereafter I passed and turned for home - pain in the knees yet again. 4 - 5 mph out of Thixendale, 10 - 12 mph along the flats, and the only bit of fun was racing a Mercedes down Garrowby (bad lad! but he didn't half look surprised when he saw me in his rear view mirror at the bottom.)

by Rob Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:14 pm
Well the Sunday training ride went out to the Wolds as well; Kirkby Underdale, Thix, Huggate, Water, Nunburnholme, Market Weighton and then a flat run in. 61 miles at about 18 with some good long climbs. The Sunday regulars of Andy, Muzzy and myself were joined by Martin and Chris who did really well to hang in there. Temperature ranged from -3 to +1, but it was academic as, working hard, I had a minor tropical storm raging inside my base-layer!

by Arthur Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:50 pm
Far to cold for me first thing, but I got out at 11 and did a beautiful four hour ride round Fountains Abbey and area. It really was a lovely day to be alive.

by Andy J Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:47 pm
I went out saturday morning from the square, three of us joined by three other non Clifton riders headed out through Buttercrambe, Gallygap, leavening, Birdsall, Thixendale, Huggate, Millington and back through Stamford 63 miles @18mph. Sunday I was out on my todd for an hour and half early on, saw three Deers in the middle of a frosty field near Sherrif cricket club, was quite a sight. A few intervals later saw me arrive back home then the afternoon was spent with the family at Brimham Rocks.

by Helen Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:49 pm
Club run

Woke to bright cold sun so added sunglasses to my list of things to bring.
I had already spoken to Bernard and made some route changes to avoid any really icy roads turned up at the square to find a large group of riders ready to go.2 chaps had driven over from teesdale for a flat ride and the triatheletes were out in force.
10 of us left the square and after leaving York our lights went on as we hit the freezing fog.The roads weren't to bad so we went out over the wolds.The fog cleared and the views appeared as we took one of Bernards not on the map roads almost to Bridlington before heading to Burton Agnes Hall for a cafe stop.
Good route home using some more of Bernards 'local knowledge'
A special mention for Andy - it was his third club ride and his first ride of a 100 miles. I know he felt like turning back at one point but he stuck to it and finnished well.


by ClaireG Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:06 pm
It makes great reading, this little lot. How come you never get this quality of weekend activity conversation at work on a Monday.......

Dave's filled us in on the exploits of Sat ride Group A......well, the Group B map was thrust into my hands and 10 of us also set off, Kevin-less, into the wild yonder.

We followed Kevin's map to the letter as far as Leavening (Bossall, Buttercrambe, Bugthorpe, Kirkby Underdale, Birdsall, Langton), but I think there were a few tired legs at Leavening @ 35miles and still a rather long way from the proposed cafe stop of Crayke!

Alex showed good management on the hoof, suggesting a compromise of Welburn cafe, which went down well with the group.

However, a few decided to head straight back, for a variety of domestic, work & family reasons and so Willy & Elaine led Finley & newcomer 'Runner John' back home from Howsham. We pressed on to Barton le Willows and bottom of the Monument. Cath & Alex were next to decide to head for York, Cath's chainset giving her some splendid creaks and groans (I blame the mechanic!) and understandably she didn't fancy testing it on another big climb. And so much to Brian, Stacey and Jon's amusement, the ride 'leader' was left with only 3 riders to escort to Welburn cafe!

My only consolation was that at least the riders had 'chosen' to return home rather than being left strewn across the Yorkshire countryside! But that still didn't stop Stacey pulling my leg.

After Welburn, we came home via Bulmer and the bumps to Flaxton. 100km which left the legs feeling like we'd done decidedly more! Thanks for the ride guys.

by IanH Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:09 am
I rode with Howards group which Dr Dave has already covered, although the average seemed a bit low halfway round, on the ride itself there were several hard efforts on the hills and after the 70 odd miles I certainly knew I had a good workout.

On Sunday I had planned to take my two C2C mates on a steady ride as they had not been on a bike since last August's C2C ride (well it seemed a good idea in the pub the night before) Mike turned up at my house as planned already quite cold but the sunshine looked great so off we went round for Dave, after several bangs on his door he eventually showed himself at the door and after a few choice words and several feeble excuses he went back to bed (I can safely say that Dave will never become a Cliftonite).

After heading off up Stockton Lane it was becoming foggy and freezing even harder I could sense Mike was thinking Dave did the right thing, however we pressed on and did a very steady 33 miles in the end, with a much welcomed cafe stop at Welburn, the only embarrassment was after eating and drinking Mike realised he had forgot his wallet so we were a little short for the bill, but the owner was very understanding about it.

It took me ages to warm up when I got home as I had been riding very slowly, but Mike had done very well and has promised to get more training in. (I wish I could say the same for Dave as I have just booked the accommodation etc for this years C2C for all of us).

by Jon G Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:17 am
As part of Claire's Group B ride on Saturday I would like to say what a wonderful day to be out on the bike. The ride was slightly harder then usual for 60 miles but ended up clocking 92 miles with the ride back home. Its not a wonder Birdsall Brow was hard on the Reliability ride considering how some parts felt quite steep on Saturday going down it. It also makes a change to get back not needing lights. Thanks to Claire for pacing me back to York when there was just two of us left. But i could see why some peeled off early when the reality of the cafe stop was still some way off. As it turned out its a good job we didnt head for Crayke if the cafe was shut. Good call Alex! about the Welburn cafe. Surprisingley i recovered enough to go out for a steady ride on Sunday. i couldnt waste a day of sunshine.


by Rob Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:31 pm
Note from Kevin:

With the Saturday Social ride now maintaining rider numbers of 20, & as it had being previously suggested.
I decided to split up the riders into 3 separate groups(a,b& c) Maps/Routes were already prepared & highlighted.

Suitable Ride Leaders were identified, & very ably took up the Reins for their respective Groups.

My select Group of 5 consisted of Alan (W), Jon McD, Amanda & Newcomer Young Arthur.
Route to Raskelf via Beningbrough, Aldwark,Alne,Easingwold, & Husthwaite.
(29 miles to the Pantry Tea-Rooms in Raskelf.)

Return via Crayke to call at Tea-rooms, again i was very mystified why the Farmshop was all Locked up & Closed!!

Alan headed towards Brandsby & home,clocking 79 miles round trip back to Pocklington.
We returned back via Huby Tollerton, & Beningbrough Hall.

Young Arthur clocked up a P.B. 47 miles on the day, & met his family in Beningbrough Hall.

A glorious day , pleasent cafe, ave 14mph, 60 miles on the clock, & all arrived back happy with their Day/Ride.

by Arthur Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:56 pm
I never thought that there would be two Arthur's in the club!

by PhilBixby Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:29 pm
Ah, but one of them's *young* Arthur, and the other one's almost a dad :wink:

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