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by d1ckson Mon Apr 01, 2024 10:25 am
Agree which would be a shame at a time when grass roots needs to be on the ball given the amount of races that are falling off and they local funding they normally receive to support.

I usually do Clifton, Darlington, Malton and Croft “club 10s” between Open races. All do prizes, trophies and an overall.

I guess there wasn’t a presentation evening either, Clifton’s big club so this does surprise me, a lot.

Craig - not sure if you’ll see this, can you give any light on this or the series? Thanks
by Robahill Mon Apr 01, 2024 10:35 am
Yes would be a shame. My son loved riding and focused on the 2023 series based on potential rewards as advised on the link - points etc. heard nothing re awards evening/event. Clifton are a big club so this is disappointing. He races for Clifton and has been a member for several years now. I have also asked for what course PBs are but nothing on that either - would like to know (for my son) to see if he was close / set any new ones. Again, no responses. For a club of this age I find that a shame. The sport is deep in history but an oversight or something here?
by jenic Wed Apr 03, 2024 2:20 pm
I spoke to Alistair about this last weekend at the Hull TT.

He told me that plans are in place (sounds like a lot of planning has been happening behind the scenes) and to be released imminently, starting with a wrap up for last year and a new schedule for this years series, so it will run!

First event is 2nd May I believe, sadly I'll miss the first two due to being in Girona, maybe it's not that sad actually :lol:
by craigdabrown Thu Apr 04, 2024 9:28 am
Hi everyone,

The delay is predominantly down to me.

Following the Hill Climb, in October, Alistair provided me with an overall list of placings for the 2023 Series and I needed to ratify these to confirm the age group of the competitors, whether they were Members of Clifton C.C. and if all the Series criteria had been met etc. Unfortunately, the Hill Climb weekend was also the weekend I had my accident and had a full right hip replacment and, TBH, Clifton duties weren't top of my list for a week or so, although I did continue to do my usual stuff for the Club. So timescales slipped and we are where we are.

In the meantime, we do have a 2024 Series agreed with the C.T.T. and North Yorkshire police and we are good to go with that and I will publish that on here, on the website and in the weekly email.

I will also announce and organise the trophies for the 2023 winners. Our plan was to have a combined 2023 Presentation/2024 Kick-off evening where we presented the trophies and anounced the 2024 Series but there has just been so much else going on.

We do appreciate the support of all the people who regularly participate in and help out at our Thursday Evening T.T. Series.

by Lucy Fri May 17, 2024 6:21 am
Just to add in to this discussion (I'm a member of YTC who participate in the league and am trying to increase participation in the league by our members, especially female riders who are underrepresented), firstly thanks to all those who run it and volunteer, the work is really appreciated.

Secondly a suggestion - it would be great to have results (weekly and final) by gender so that females can see how they do compared with other women. In almost any competition they would be separated out, but given first names are stripped out of the results, you cant even work it out for yourself unless you know the surnames of those racing.

I dont know if its helpful but other clubs I've raced with use Webscorer which reduces the admin for those organising once it's set up and can set up different categories - road bike/aero, gender and age etc if you want to, and means you can do results on the line so there's a bit of recognition for those who come first in front of their peers, and means people stay around to support the last people in.

Lucy, YTC

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