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by martin w Thu May 19, 2022 9:11 pm
Clear blue skies and negligible winds met our competitors tonight. It was a beautiful evening for a ride, although several competitors had an unexpected adrenaline rush from the sight of a gargantuan bit of farm machinery heading towards them at some point. But all made it round safely, thanks to our kind volunteer marshalls Ian, Stacey, and Ian, who kept us all heading in the right direction. Thanks also go to our team of timekeepers: to Dave for pushing us off, and to Graham, Jennie and Sarah who saw us safely through to the finishing line, and provided the results you are waiting patiently for!

1 Dave Bramley 30.19
2 Shaun Lawson 31.47
3 Mike Watson 32.13
4 William Harvey 32.41
5 Martin Willan 32.44
6 Tim Robinson 33.00
7 Nathan Smith 33.37
8 Fraser Elsworth 33.42
9 Alex Robinson 33.43
10 Brendan Anglim 34.11
11 Richard Gale 34.20
12 James Milner 34.55
13 Paul Robertson 35.28
14 Lucy Hurn 35.39
15 Kevin Chapman 35.40
16 Becky Mason 36.25
17 Mark Laughton 37.27
18 Oliver Lees 38.07
19 George Young 38.26
20 Mike Jeffrey 38.30
21 Katie Robertson 38.55
22 Bob Taylor 40.10
23 Will Gale 42.04
24 Orna O'toole 42.10
by craigdabrown Thu May 19, 2022 9:24 pm
Many thanks Martin. Just to let you know that Lucy Hurn has contacted me to say that she forgot to hand number 23 back. Told her she can drop it off at next event or I can meet her to retrieve it.

by martin w Thu May 19, 2022 9:58 pm
Ah thanks Craig, no worries, happy to wait until next week, but easy either way :)

by James Milner Fri May 20, 2022 6:27 am
Many thanks to all involved last night. Eight people involved in organising, marshalling, time keeping and pushing off and 24 competitors just shows how popular these events are! Always great to see such a good turn out, especially on such a beautiful evening.

Some excellent times were posted by the competitors, even though most of us had to give way to farm machinery at some point! Dave Bramley took the win with a time which has only been bettered by 3 other riders and one of those is in the pro peloton! Well done Dave!

Just a reminder that next week’s race will be at Wheldrake. We still require an organiser, marshals and time keepers for this event. If you are able to help please visit the club website and put your name on the spreadsheet. Here’s hoping for another successful evening!

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