Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by Sam Young Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:18 pm

Apologies if this has already been discussed in another thread. If it has, please could someone link me to it...

I am new to the club and, unfortunately, due to the current Covid-19 situation have not made it out on any rides with Clifton this year.

I have just had a quick scan over British Cycling's FAQs/guidance (updated 24th Sept) and see there is scope for activity.

What is the position of the club heading into winter and is it likely we will see any activity over the coming months?

It will be nice to finally get out on a ride at some point, whenever that may be!

Best wishes,
by cliftoncc Mon Oct 05, 2020 7:31 am
Hi Sam,

As you've noted, British Cycling are currently at Stage 4 of their 6 Stage "The Way Forward" plan to return to full cycling activities.

Taking this and the current Government Guidelines into consideration, we reintroduced a couple of our Saturday Social Rides - namely the 08:45am Non-stop Ride and the 10am Inters Ride - a few weeks back. Riders have to socially distance when arriving at Exhibition Square and the rides are broken up into groups containing a maximum of 6 Riders. Obviously the exact nature of these rides depends on the availability of Organisers, weather conditions and who turns up at The Square.

From tomorrow, Tuesday the 6th. of October, we intend to have a regular Autumn/Winter Tuesday Evening Training Ride (see post from 2019 for details). The first of these will depart from outside The Knavesmaire Pub at 6:30pm. Lights and, in most instances, mudguards will be required on these evening rides.

As best as possible, we attempt to include details of any proposed rides in the weekly email which is sent to our Members.

Obviously this is a constantly evolving situation, depending on current COVID-19 advice and restrictions.

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