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by ClaireG Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:01 pm
Club Hill Climb - Sunday 6th October, Bishop Wilton

Just a quick reminder for the Club Hill Climb a week on Sunday (Sun 6th Oct) @ Bishop Wilton.

Last event of the Club SPOCO TT Series.
Sign on the line, just like you have done for the Thurs evening Club events.

Start: Bishop Wilton at 11am.
Entry: On the Line as for Club SPOCO Events. £5 Senior; U18 £2

(You must be a paid up member of Clifton CC or a CTT-affiliated Club to ride -> you can join Clifton CC on the day – see 'Membership' on Home page)

The climb is the minor road, which goes up from the village X-roads to join the A166. Finish just prior to the junction.
Max gradient 20%, distance 1.2 Km
(time of ride is somewhere between 5m30s & 12mins)

If you feel like having a go, having a blast, then come along....
Whether you are up for racing or just want to test your fitness out after a Summer of Club rides, you’ll be made very welcome. Race bike, touring bike, MTB, tandem…………come along.
Remember Junior is Under 18yrs and minimum age for CTT-organised events is 12yrs (with signed Parental Consent Forms).

Depart 09-30 from Exhibition Square (infront of the City Art Gallery) for those riding out together or meet there at Bishop Wilton village cross roads.
(for safety & visibility, please do not park at the start or on the course - find a verge off the road of the hill climb - Ta)

See you there
Claire & Robert

PS. I am looking for a 'Pusher Off' and ideally a 'Marshall' for the minor side road junction if you want to help out - let me know or sign up on the Volunteer sheet. Thanks :)
by ClaireG Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:11 pm
Just bumping the above post to the top to remind you all of the hill climb.

AndyG & Steen have volunteered to help - Big thanks :D
Ideally we could do with just one more person to marshall on the small side ride which joins the route in Bishop Wilton, but I will place plenty signs there anyway.

So - Good to go.
See you 0930 in the Square or at sign on @ Bishop Wilton, details below.

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