Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by Dr Dave Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:54 am
Many years ago the club used to run a weekly evening training ride. This used 3 relatively safe courses of around 25 miles and would attract maybe 8-10 riders each week. Now that the chaingang is coming to an end for the season it has been suggested that we could run a Tuesday evening training ride instead and that this could run over the winter as both a midweek leg-stretcher and perhaps a means of maintaining the Tuesday evening so that next Spring there might be more riders keen to transition to the chaingang - thus invigorating it and maintaining a club institution.

This training ride would be a STEADY paced ride and NOT a 'Thrash'. It should be inclusive with stronger riders perhaps using their fitness to spend more time on the front NOT ramping up the speed. Lights and mudguards -when appropriate - are a must.

It may be that this isn't a viable idea but a few people have suggested they would be keen - proper road riding with your club-mates has to be better than the turbo (unless it's really cold and pouring down).

The plan is to meet for the first ride at 6.30pm at the Knavesmire pub on Tuesday 17th for a loop out via Acaster and thence to Tadcaster and back. The original routes IIRC were:

1. Tadcaster - original meet Cycle Heaven (suggest now Knavesmire)
2. Bossall, Buttercrambe - original meet 'Pete's Bench' - aka York end of Stockton Lane
3. Farlington - I forget where the meet was, can Rob O advise - also re route?

These were undertaken in rotation each week. The basic idea is to get the rides started and we can then gauge interest and if necessary tweak the concept/routes.

Keep pedalling!
by Dr Dave Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:47 pm
Not a bump as nothing to bump it over but just a reminder that this week we start the new Tuesday evening social/training ride. I can't make it but James M has kindly agreed to lead our inaugural ride of the upcoming autumn/winter. 6.30pm at the Knavesmire for 25 or so miles of steady group riding with a bit of banter with your club-mates.

Keep pedalling!
by Rob Thu Sep 19, 2019 5:29 pm
Sorry Dave, forgot to answer this. All credit to you for getting this going.
I can't remember the northern route either. Obvious meeting area would be Haxby, either Haxby Cycles or outside the fire station.
"25 or so miles of steady group riding with a bit of banter with your club-mates." Chapeau. Hope you can deliver.
by IanH Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:49 am
From what I remember it was meet at Nestle bus shelter, Haxby, Usher lane to Strensall, Pottery lane to end turn right then first right to Farlington, up the climb to Sheriff Hutton, straight on over mini roundabout right turn before Bulmer Bank to Flaxton then Strensall home.
Ian H.

Are we there yet

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