Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by DavidShort Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:45 am
Dear All,

First of all well done to everyone officiating and taking part in last weeks Wheldrake 10 TT organised by York Cycle works. Some great times and a fantastic turn out of 35 competitors. My thanks to Michael Jeffrey for attaching the link to the results and sorting out the finishing order of riders. Great team work!

This weeks TT is over the demanding hilly Coneystorpe route. James Milner has kindly offered to organise the event. Bernard has volunteered to time keep and we have 3 marshal volunteers. We need a minimum of 4 to run this event safely and also a couple to 'push off' and assist the timekeeper. So, if you can help please put your name down on the volunteer spreadsheet.

I won't be around for a couple of weeks as I am heading to Spain. I will be contactable via e mail and mobile if there are any issues but I may be limited as to what i can do other than offer advice.

As most oif you will know I advised the committee I was standing down as TT secretary at the end of last year. I put this years series together and I will ensure the events will go ahead. I always finish what I started. However, whilst I am effectively running the series as a caretaker I would be grateful if someone could take on the role full time as soon as possible and in any case in time to get everything done to prepare for the 2020 series. I am more than willing to show what needs to be done and how to do it.

Finally, have a great event on Thursday night. Take extreme care on the descents of Bulmer and Terrington Banks. Remember its a club event not the Worlds!

Kinbd regard David

TT Secretary, ( caretaker)

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