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by Lesley @ DEMAND Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:36 am
Hi all :)

I've been recommended by Arthur to post on here to seek your advice on a new cycling event we're planning for around the end of June next year. I hope you'll all help me out with a bit of "market research"!

DEMAND is a very small charity which operates both here in Abbots Langley and at our Yorkshire site in Brockholes, near Holmfirth. We design and manufacture tailor made aids for people with disabilities that they cannot get commercially. (Website below for further info)

We have recently branched out into events fundraising and are looking at holding a “DEMANDing” cycle ride in the Yorkshire Dales around the end of June next year.

The plan is that it will be a brand new, challenging, 100km and 50km circular route, starting and finishing at Skipton, all taking place on public roads, but obviously with some pretty extreme hills involved.

Don’t panic, I’m not asking you for any help! I’d just like some feedback if you don’t mind.

What would your feeling be in terms of members of your cycling club?
Would you be interested in taking part?
Would you prefer an easier “safe option” route, or would the challenge appeal to you?
Would you be happy that to raise sponsorship for the charity as part of the ride?
What do you see as helping towards a successful event - bacon butties at the finish? Photos? Medals? etc etc

Thanks all! I look forward to your responses. :lol:

Lesley McGinty
Community & Corporate Fundraising Manager

DEMAND (Design & Manufacture for Disability)
The Old Chapel,
Mallard Road,
Abbots Langley,
Herts. WD5 0GQ

Tel & Fax: 01923 682400

Registered charity No. 1008128

by MarkA Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:15 pm
There appear to be a lot of views but not much advice

So i will chip in wearing 3 hats: someone who has ridden sportives, as an audax organiser and also a dad who rides with his kids!

I would say many club riders would be interested - it is probably the fastest growing area

The harder the better for most club cyclists who like a challenge

I would keep the hills to a minimum on the family version though not least of all because you can't guarantee the weather. Not easy in your neck of the woods i appreciate.

The general idea of offering > 1 event on the day is a good one

Researching and producing route sheets can be time consuming though - people often add an extra loop to the longer version in order to provide a third option without tripling the effort. So you might end up offering a 50 / 100 and 150? Most club cyclists would go for the 150 i suspect if it was offered.

In general cyclists are human and will support a good cause and aren't looking for much in return - cup of tea at the end and a cake is nice. Also provides a chance to chat to other riders etc

I personally prefer to support a charity via a higher entry fee rather than trawling for sponsorship

Kids like goodie bags - at least mine do - so something like the freebies given away at the "race for life" events and maybe a medal to hang round their neck?

I have only ever organised under the auspices of Audax UK - i suspect the thing to do is try to talk to some other event organisers re legal / insurance side of things as soon as possible. And take a look at the small print on their entry forms etc.

Good luck with event and I hope the sun shines!

by Arthur Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:45 am
The other thing is to check your dates carefully. There's a lot of other rides in that area and you don't want to clash.


Cyclosportifive events:

CTC York Rally:

The big local events are the Etape Du Dales, Rydale Rumbal, CTC York Rally rides, White Rose Classic, Dales Grimpeur (Audax) and our Tan Hill Audax. And possibly some others that I've forgotten.

by Dr Dave Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:04 pm
Great Yorkshire Bike Ride is 14th June I believe

by Lesley @ DEMAND Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:12 pm
Thanks for your responses so far. At the moment, nothing is on the same day, although someone did point out that Euro 2008 is on around then and if England do well and start getting into quarter finals and so on, June will be largely cancelled!

How much does the England footie team's activities affect you cyclists? I'm a rugby fan and I'm Scottish, so it matters not a jot to me!!

by Dr Dave Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:14 pm
Football? What is this strange thing of which you speak? A primitive tribal rite perhaps?

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