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by DavidShort Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:40 am
Dear All,

Having taken into account the feedback from last years series I have put together the following schedule for consideration. I have reduced the number of pure flat courses and added more hilly circuits. I have reduced the number of events to 11 from 12 to help minimise the pressure on volunteers and also to avoid the school summer holiday period which sees a drop off in competitors due to family holiday commitments. Hopefully we can look forward to a road works free season!

9th May - Sutton 10
16th May - High Stittenham Come and try it event, (CATI).
23rd May - Whenby Brandsby.
30th May - Wheldrake 10
6th June - Coneysthorpe.
13th June - High Stittenham, CATI.
20th June - Whenby Brandsby
27th June - Wheldrake 10
4th July - Coneysthorpe.
11th July - Ganthorpe.
18th July - Sutton 10.

6th October - Bishop Wilton Hill climb.

Let me know what you think and I'll progress the formal statutory notifications CTT admin etc.

Finally, Would those of you who took part in the SPOCO Open series let me know your results. I intended to do 4 events to qualify but only managed 3 having been struck down with a chest infection for last weeks final event :(

Nigel, I know you were at the ones I attended so you must be up there for an award. Likewise Richard Sharp though I notice Richard is this years YCF SPOCO TT individual champion and Team Trial Trial champion so he's probably not too worried. Fantastic results!

Kind regards David
TT Sec'
by Matt H Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:20 pm
Dave, I think you've nailed it, this looks a great mix of courses :D

2 short, 4 flat, 3 hilly, 2 undulating

I hope you've arranged for the same weather as we enjoyed this year too.

Seriously though, thank you for organising another year of events.
by DavidShort Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:15 am
Thank you Matt, Funnily enough I'm taking advantage of today's snowy wet cold weather to crack on with the admin and notifications for next years series. I'll do my best re the weather! Here's to another cracking TT series for 2019. :D

Kind regards David
TT Sec'
by DavidShort Wed Dec 19, 2018 6:55 pm
Festive greetings one and all!

For information I have received formal approval from North Yorkshire Police and Cycling Time Trials, (CTT), to run our SPOCO Thursday evening series. Hoorah! Also, in addition to our 11 events, York Cycle works have registered themselves with the CTT as a club and will be running a further 3 events on the Wheldrake circuit. I've acted as their TT Secretary to get them up and running re notifications etc. So, that's 14 TT races to have a go at for 2019! I'll pass details of the dates to Craig who I'm sure will work his magic and include them on the SPOCO page.

Finally, if there is anyone out there who would like to have a go at the role of TT Secretary please let me know and I will happily walk them through the admin and processes as the year progresses.

See you Saturday on the Christmas ride and lunch.

Kind regards David

TT Sec'
by like my bike Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:11 pm
Looks like another great series planned for 2019 David, well done. Hope to continue growing the number of Junior and Youth riders taking part.


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