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by Rob Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:00 pm
So, Sunday saw us tackle the last of the four compass points of Yorkshire. Beyond Here There Be Dragons, North. The first was back in April, on a chilly Sunday, to Harthill south of Doncaster (a better ride than it sounds on paper). In June we headed for Spurn Head, a long way past Hull (we've done this a few times and I always enjoy it). Early July saw us Head for Dunsop Bridge in Slaidburn Forest on the Lancashire border (although it may have been Cumbria, though who cares?)

Yesterday it was High Force in Teesdale. Some interesting new roads, plus some rarely traveled. The climb north of Marske of Holgate Moor is recommended and we found some very quiet lanes in lower Teesdale. There been quite a few of you tackle at least one of the set, but it was just Steen and I scoring a full house (feeling quietly smug).

By happy coincidence the total distance for the series of four rides was exactly 1000km. Very satisfying.

Right, that's our last really long ride of the season. This Sunday we'll be supporting the Hill Climb. The week after is the Dirty Clubrun (so dust off your cross bikes). We'll hit the bridlepaths from the edge of York and, depending on conditions, I'll devise a route of about 100km.

From then on it's classic 110-130km @26kph clubruns. (70-80miles @16mph ish)*

* Steen reckons we should publicise in imperial as well, but note Velominati rule #24.

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