Clifton CC Discussion Board

A place to talk about anything! Want to find someone to ride with? Get help on mending things? Organise lifts?

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by Rob Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:48 pm
Fabulous conditions on Sunday for a bike ride. Just a small group of us and we kept it simple with a standard ride out to Middleton on the Wolds with a quick stop in Millington on the way back. I was drinking tea in my kitchen well before 2pm, with just under 110km on the clock...

The next three weekends see the irregulars pursuing solo careers again. So, if you plan to be out, I suggest you post here in advance.

This means we'll have to rearrange the set piece rides planned for September.
New plan:
Sunday 30th: Beyond Here There Be Dragons (North), AKA High Force in Teesdale. The last of our compass points to the furthest point north in Yorkshire. I'll devise a hilly route out, and flatish route back. Details to follow.
Sunday 7th Oct: Club Hill Climb. Ride out to spectate or compete. Sociable loop of the Wolds to follow.
Sunday 14th Oct: The Dirty Clubrun. Ride from the Square, but I'll include as many tracks and bridlepaths as I can. I reckon 100km will be more than enough!

Thence back to some traditional 120-130km clubruns. A great time of year to join us in the Yorkshire lanes...

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