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by DavidShort Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:22 pm
Dear All,

Please find the following report on the 2018 SPOCO TT series, which I put together for the recent Committee meeting. I thought it would be useful for members to have an overview of the season.

This year we have run a total of 11 events out of a scheduled series of 12, between the 10th of May and the 2nd August. It has been a bit of a challenge at times with courses compromised due to road works. However, good relations with North Yorkshire Police and regional Cycling time trials ensured that statutory minimum time periods were waived, allowing alternative courses being utilised at very short notice.

Once again we opened up the series to guest clubs, York Cycle works, Malton Wheelers and the York Tri club. The 3 events on the Wheldrake circuit, organised by York Cycle works continue to be popular attracting big fields of all ages and experience.

A total of 211 competitors took part in the 11 events which included 29 Juniors, averaging 19 seniors and 3 Juniors per event. An increase over last year.

The biggest problem has been the lack of volunteers coming forward to organise events. A handful of people have organised all 11 events.

For next year I will again seek to secure volunteers ahead of the series. l know I say this every year but we really must try and get volunteer organisers in place on the spread sheet before the series starts at the end of May next year. This year it has all been too last minute, relying on the good will of a handful of individuals to organise events. This year it has been most encouraging to see the numbers of juniors taking part. May I suggest parents might want to don a Hi viz jacket and help out?

One of the highlights of the series was the appearance one evening of Connor Swift of Madison Genesis and his girlfriend Sian Randall, also a Madison Genesis rider. I think the Whenby Brandsby circuit record will stand for a long time! Connor totally obliterated it! He has since gone on to become national road race champion and sign for Dimension Data, proving that great things can happen after success at a Clifton CC TT!

Dawn is in the process of sorting out the league which will be published quite soon which will inform who wins what this year.

In previous years I have held a post series meeting to discuss what went well, what didn't and what we can do to improve things However, attendance has always been sparce and the same handful of invaluable members, Dave Cook, Ian Hagyard , Craig and others have contributed to and shaped the series so I do not propose to have a meeting this season. Instead we can kick things about on the forum.

That said, the recent committee meeting was very supportive of what had been achieved this year and I therefore propose to put together a series for 2019 which will reflect 2018. It seems to be a winning formula, attracting riders of all ages and abilities, from complete novices to pro team riders. We must be doing something right!

Fraz from York Cycle works is very keen to continue the partnership and indeed run more events on the Wheldrake circuit..

In closing may I once again thank everyone who has contributed to keeping the series going this year. Martin Willan for storing the signs, documentation and the organising of events, other organisers and marshals and of course the likes of Bernard & Dave I'Anson who unfailingly turn up and help out. Particularly pleasing this year is the recruitment into the hallowed ranks of time keeping of Graham Robson and Suzie Guy. Also to Dawn who has the unenviable task of going through the results sheets to sort out the league and Steve who sorts out all the entry fees and levies to the CTT governing body.

The last word of thanks goes to the competitors without, whom there would not be any events. Well done everyone, a great year despite all the problems. Here's to a great series in 2019. Oh, and yes I am happy to continue in the role of TT Secretary, unless anyone desperately wants the job?......., Ah that tumbleweed moment :lol:

Any thoughts, comments, positive or negative gratefully received. It is after all YOUR series.

Kind regards David
TT Sec'
by MichaelJeffrey Thu Aug 23, 2018 8:10 pm
This has been my first full season of TT with Clifton and I am enormously impressed by the effort and organisation that goes into it - thank you to everyone. My feedback, for what is worth, is from that perspective: a newbie. I think the mixture of events is great, it is just a shame that the hillier Terrington loop was beset with roadworks. It was interesting that the ‘taster’ shorter 6m route was by far the most popular and had a great vibe just from the numbers involved; perhaps a 2nd ‘taster’ but longer would work well. I think it is the description ‘taster’ that encourages people who, like myself, were slightly apprehensive to get involved at first.

At the beginning and end of the season I felt that the 7:30 start was leaving it late with the sun setting but that is just my natural cautiousness.

I’m looking forward to the hill climb in October but perhaps there could be one in the Summer series as well – just for a bit of variety.

Best wishes
by Dr Dave Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:14 am
Was only able to get along to a few this year but enjoyed these as always.
Great credit to Dave and the usual band of helpers who keep the events going. It is a sign of the times that the wider club membership don't have much interest in supporting the TT series - not sure how this could be improved (unless helping out at a club event was made a condition of club membership which might hit subscriptions........)
The 7.30 start does enable working members to attend. Any earlier and this may preclude some from attending - it would certainly mean I would not be able to.
Many thanks once more to Dave :D

Keep pedalling!
by DavidShort Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:02 pm
I'm very grateful; to Michael and Dr Dave for their observations on the 2018 season. The feedback on the Come and try it, ( CATI), event in particular. It's great to receive feedback from a member who tried out the series on the back of the CATI and has taken part and enjoyed the series because of that. I'll give consideration to another CATI if time and the schedule permits.

The point about start time is a good one but as Dave pointed out anything earlier than 7.30 may impact on members ability to attend due to work commitments. It is also the reason we don't run the season any later than the end of July, unless anything is rescheduled, as the daylight does fade as the sun gets lower in the sky which compromises safety.

As for a mid season hill climb. Traditionally the Hill climb has always been an event at the end of a TT season, not just with the club but also nationally. Unless there is a strong desire to break with tradition then I would recommend we keep it this way.

Once again many thanks for the comments Michael and Dave. I take the absence of any further comments as overwhelming endorsement that the current format is unanimously supported. :D :D :D

Kind regards David
TT Sec'
by MarkL Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:25 pm
As ever, the Thursday time trials are well run, both by Clifton and Cycleworks. Thank you for being inclusive for other clubs.

The current format is good and the 19:30 start is probably for the best, I think I would struggle to get signed on for a 19:00 start.

For my part, a hill climb right at the start, if you could start a week earlier, would be good. Perhaps reuse the Brandsby hill climb that Clifton used to use a long time ago! Or would it even be possible to ride up towards Sheriff Hutton from Terrington, using the turn towards Brandsby as the start? For such a short race, lighting shouldn't be too much of an issue to hold it at the start of the season.

Anyroad, that's my penn'orth thrown out, I'll crawl back into my box, now.
by Matt H Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:55 am
The 2018 series was a resounding success, I'd like to thank Dave and everybody else involved as I think you got the formula almost perfect this year.

The only downside for me was that there were only 2 hilly courses in the programme. I know these were then cancelled through roadworks which was unavoidable, but I'd like to see 3 or 4 hilly events in 2019 to make best use of the area and terrain in which we ride. So the only thing I'd change would be to balance the events list with a few more hilly courses, I thought the 6 flat 10s in 2018 was a bit too err flat!

I have read the safety arguments for not riding Terrington or Bulmer, but to my knowledge as a competitor for the last 6 years, we have had no incidents on those hills, and they add an extra dimension to the events and develop rider skills. I understand the longer 17 mile hilly course might put off some riders, but the shorter Bulmer events are a good test for all riders.

We have an excellent safety record with the organiser completing a risk assessment on the night leading to the occasional warning of loose gravel, potholes or other road furniture on the route. I was also pleased to see most of the riders using rear lights, which make a huge difference to visibility in most light conditions.

I would like the starting time to stay the same, as I travel over an hour from work to the events.

So there's my two penneth, I'm looking forward to the 2019 series already...

by DavidShort Wed Sep 26, 2018 12:08 pm
Thank you everyone who has contributed to the 2018 series feedback. All points gratefully received and noted. In particular the wish to have more hilly courses. This year we were hampered by road works so rather than not run anything I endeavoured to put on an event even though it was a flat course.

I'm back from our Czech cycle tour tomorrow and I'll start work on the 2019 series, taking into consideration the points members and guests, ( thank you Mark, no need to crawl away after your two pen'orth, good points!).

I'll have a draft schedule together by the end of October which I'll share with everyone before submitting it to the CTT, police, highways etc.

Kind regards David
TT Secretary.

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