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by Jon G Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:51 am
Thorpe perrow the destination for the A ride on Saturday. Along with myself we had James, G, Kev N, Stu, John S, Dave C, Ian H and a welcome return of Ian R who'd been recovering from a broken collarbone. Pleasant autumn conditions meant a brisk pace which meant arriving at the cafe shortly after 12 just before the lunch time rush. We were leaving not long after one to tackle the only real climbs of the day over to masham and up to grewelthorpe. We got split just before ripon after stu had a flat and never regrouped despite getting in touch with the rest saying they were in boroughbridge. We must have been chasing them without success. Got back to York before 4 with just short of 80 miles on clock which meant I got back in plenty of time to see Leeds rhinos thrash castleford in the super league grand final. Apologies to any cas fans. Won't be out next week sadly so have a good ride.
by Rob Mon Oct 09, 2017 5:27 pm
It was the Sunday gang's Hostel weekend. Departed Newcastle station at just befor 10am, me, Steen, Andy, Andrew and Jonny. The east coast line is really efficient, we've used it for similar ocassions several times now. Within a few hundred metres of the train staion we'd dropped onto the Sustrans path on the north banks of the Tyne, passing all those bridges you often see on TV. Pulled away from the river to Heddon then onto Stamfordham. These lanes are old road racing haunts from the 90s, felt good to be back.

It was a real autumnal morning, with a strong damp, cool headwind. Found a liesurely cafe in Hexam, then a long, long climb upto the peninne watershed at over 600m between Allendale and Nenthead. Down into Alston for hostel openning time and thence the Cumberland Arms, where the menu described lasagne as as "Cumbria Classic"..... Good beer, open fire, very pleasant evening.

Away before 9 on Sunday and back over Nenthead into Weardale, then hang a right at St Johns Chapel onto the highest road in England at 627m. Tough climb, but never silly steep. Good job as a mechanical issue had left me with a choice of 2 gears.... From the summit there followed a stupendous tailwind, sunny descent for 40km to Barnard Castle. After an hour in Penny's Tea Rooms, we took to the lane to east through Worlton and crossing the A1 north of Scotch Corner, then followed the Swale southwards to Busby Stoop and home before 5.

The 100k on Saturday was probably harder than to 170k on Sunday. A grand weekend out, on incredably quiet and scenic roads. Thanks to all for their teamwork, positivity and humour. We even hatched several ideas for future trips....
by bernard turgoose Tue Oct 10, 2017 3:36 pm
K ride this weekend had 10 people out including Pete Smith, Claire,Allison B, Mark Briggs, Mark Finch, Julia C,Graham Robson Snr and Junior, Craig B and we took a route out to Malton via Crake, Oulston, Yearsley top, Coulton, Scackleton,Terrington,Coneysthorpe with a return via Menethorpe, Westow, Howsham etc. Managed to just about avoid the rain before Malton and all the way to York. But for those who may be planning a ride via Castle Howard from the monument towards Slingsby please be aware that there is a road closure from Welburn cross roads to the roundabout which has the entrance to Castle Howard and the Arboretum off it, so you will have to go from Welburn towards Bulmer and then take the right turn to Terrington, before turning right for Coneysthorpe X rds.
by Dr Dave Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:28 pm
Rich and I had a quick blast round Cockayne on Sunday. Beautiful clear views until the burning of the heather choked us a couple of times.
A quick lunch and back to York - cheers Rich :D

Keep pedalling!

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