Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by ClaireG Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:06 am
Hello There!
Annual reminder for the Club Hill Climb next Sunday.
Low key, just sign on, on the line, like you have done for the Thurs evening Club events.

When: Sunday 1st October
Start: Bishop Wilton at 11am.
Entry: On the Line as for Club SPOCO Events. £5 Senior; U18 £2
(You must be a paid up member of Clifton CC or a CTT-affiliated Club to ride - you may be asked to show proof of this - you can join Clifton CC on the day: £20 Senior; £15 Under 18; £10 Concessions)

The climb is the minor road which goes up from the village X-roads to join the A166. Finish just prior to the junction.
Max gradient 20%, distance 1.2 Km
(time of ride is somewhere between 5m30s & 12mins)

There are several Club trophies up for grabs, including separate category for riding MTB, but mainly if you feel like having a go, having a blast, then come along....
Whether you are up for Racing or just want to test your fitness out after a Summer of Club rides, you’ll be made very welcome. Race bike, touring bike, MTB, tandem…………come along.
Remember Junior is Under 18yrs and minimum age for CTT-organised events is 12yrs (with signed Parental Consent Forms).

Depart 09-30 from the Square for those riding out together or meet there at Bishop Wilton village cross roads (for safety & visibility, please do not park at the start or on the course - find a verge off the road of the hill climb - Ta)
See you there
Claire & Robert
by ClaireG Fri Sep 29, 2017 8:15 pm
Thanks to the merry band of volunteers, all is good to go for the Hill Climb on Sunday.......

See below for full details.
0930 ride out from the square.
Sign on ideally by 1045 at Bishop Wilton and 1st rider off at 1101.

Hope to see you there for riding or spectating.
by DavidShort Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:27 pm
I trust all went well with the Hill Climb.

Claire, Could you scan and e mail me the 'on the day' risk assessment so I can send it to CTT? I'll be in touch when I get back from Majorca re collecting the signs back up.

Kind regards David

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